
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #3 Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #3 Review

Story: Mateus Santolouco

Script: Mateus Santolouco & Erik Burnham

Art: Mateus Santolouco

Colors: Joao “Azeitona” Viera

Letters: Shawn Lee

Reviewed by: Talisha Harrison aka Tali Adina

Last issue in the present, the turtles were in pursuit of Shredder  in order to rescue Dr. Miller from the grasp of the Foot Clan.  While in the past, a younger Oroku Saki was led to the secrets of his clan’s origin by the witch Kistune. In this issue, the Turtles catch up with the clan and open a can of whoop ass unto the Foot as Casey and April rescue Dr. Miller.  It’s now Apolex who’s now in pursuit of the turtles and their cargo.

Back in the past, Oroku Saki continues to discover the secrets of the Foot Clan and also discovers his own past origin. What he learns pisses him off, and he’s out for revenge against the clan’s leaders which include his father.  Back in the present, the turtles with the help of Dr. Miller are begininng to learn more about who exactly the Shredder is and from what they learn so far, it doesn’t give them much hope…

Since this mini series started, I’ve been a huge fan and issue three continues that trend. The plot is just amazing and the artwork is fantastic. I’m eager to learn more about the role and purpose Krang (if that even is Krang, it could be a relative) has in the Foot Clan’s origin and also how the past continues to affect the present.


Buy it! This series continues to kick ninja butt!

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