
Hoax Hunters #6 Review


Hoax Hunters #6 Review

Story by: Michael Moreci & Steve Seeley

Art by: Axel Medellin

Flats & Color Assistance by: Charo Solis

Letters by: Jim Campbell

Design by: Sean Dove

Cover by: Jenny Frison

Pinup by: Jaimie C. Filer

Backup One by: 

Written by: Krystina Maldonado

Art by: Greg and Fake

Backup Two by:

Written by: Steve Bryant

Art by: Jason Millet

Reviewed by Talisha Harrison aka Tali Adina

The hunters are back with a new mission and the secrets, lies, and videotape keeps getting bigger with this new issue.  This issue, our hunters are challenged by another group who claim to be the real Hoax Hunters to prove that the recent grisly murders in Ohio are the product of creepy goblins who hide in the forest only to reveal themselves to their victims when it is too late. The team heads out and of course nothing is what is seems as chaos ensues and things get bloody and nasty.

Meanwhile, Regan has to edure a dinner date with the producer of the Hoax Hunters show who wonders what secrets Jack is keeping from the both of them. If you remember last issue, the team defeated Clive but what wasn’t known to the rest of the team is that Jack is in control of the parallel universe travel device and Clive’s monster. The team thinks Donovan to be an annoying nusiance of a producer but things aren’t always what they seem and there might be more than meets the eye to Donovan…

This issue was great, it was short and to the point. The script was fast moving but it was well balanced. This series is one that I’ve been reading and enjoying since the start so I enjoyed the not only the story but also the artwork.


Buy it! Not only do you get an awesome story, you also get an additional 2 more stories which are pretty interesting.

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