
New Captain America Ongoing Comic Announced – Who’s Holding The Shield?!

This spring will see us being treated to a time where we will have two, count them TWO, people carrying the title of Captain America. Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz’s new book ‘Captain America: Steve Rogers’ will herald a return to the red white and blue outfit and shield weilding ways of the original Cap himself, Steve Rogers.

Cover Art for Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 by Jesus Saiz

Decked out in new threads and carrying an entirely new shield, Steve Rogers will be back to his familar role thanks to Nick Spencer, who says: “It’s an exciting time to be writing Captain America, for sure– this year is the character’s 75th Anniversary, not to mention the upcoming release of Marvel’s CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. And with CIVIL WAR II approaching in the Marvel Universe, it felt like the perfect time to restore Steve Rogers to his former self.”

Jesus Saiz's concept art for Steve Rogers new look Captain America
Jesus Saiz’s concept art for Steve Rogers new look Captain America

Spencer also spoke about how interesting it’ll be to have two Captain Americas. CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE ROGERS and CAPTAIN AMERICA: SAM WILSON will act as great counter-points to one another,” said Spencer. “If you’re digging the topical, ripped-from-the-headlines approach we’re taking in Sam’s book, we’ve got plenty more of that to come. And if you’re up for a more timeless take, with Captain America facing off against Hydra and his classic rogues gallery, Steve’s book will be just the thing for you.”

As you can see from the below concept art, it looks like Steve’s version of the shield carries some unique features, splitting in two for double the action!

Concept Art for Steve's new shield
Concept Art for Steve’s new shield

Captain America: Steve Rogers, by Nick Spencer & Jesus Saiz, hits stores and digital in the spring.

Are you excited to see Steve back as Cap? Sound off in the comments section below!

I'm a 36 year old, video game playing, Springsteen loving, Star Wars obsessed dude from Cardiff, Wales.

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