ColumnsFeaturedFrom The Forums

From The Forums: 2.11.14

To celebrate the newest addition to the Talking Comic Books website, we’ve decided to put together a new weekly column featuring highlights from the forums! We run down some of the issues, news, comments, and conversations happening with our beloved listeners and members. Enjoy!

Welcome to this week’s installment of “From the Forums” (gotta find a better title)

Since this is our first week, and this is a comics website, let’s look at the comics!

Starting with DC:

  • About the announcement of Geoff Johns and John Romita, Jr. taking over Superman:
    • chrisfabulous says: “This is awesome news! I just finished reading Johns’ Superman/Action run from a while back, and loved it. JRJR is at top five artist for me. This is going to be good! I can’t wait!”
    • scouts1998 says: “That means we have Johns, Pak and Soule all working on Superman books at the moment. Is Superman getting better or what?”
    • But everyone agrees with rcbtaw that this guy new superman
    • looks a lot like this guy jrcash
  • jorakmajorjay, and deadfett are getting on board with Red Lanterns
  • and arcticbeast loved issue #5 of Forever Evil (and also has the scariest avatar on the forum)

At Marvel:

  • courtneyk and I (miked) really liked Loki: Agent of Asgard
  • Ms. Marvel #1 is a big topic of conversation:
    • czor says: “Love this issue! I like how is so balanced in it’s use of religion/ethnicity that is not hitting you with it. Also I loved the hedgehog with the Hulk hands in Kamala’s dream sequence.”
    • Almedia77 says: “I thin(k) it was the perfect example of how a #1 should be done.”
    • and our very own Bob Reyer let us know that he also loved the issue, despite the danger of laying the Bob Reyer curse on it.

And for everyone else:

  • Be careful of reading the Saga thread if you haven’t read issue #18 (though we all appreciate the spoiler warnings, guys!)
  • We have some lively back and forth going on about Black Science!
  • Nick says about Dark Horse’s upcoming Prometheus series: “I just watched Prometheus this weekend and loved it. Now I’m looking forward to the new Alien-verse comics coming from Dark Horse this year.”
  • and CaptainSuperior says: “Personally I utilize digital and physical copies both. I only buy physical copies of the series that I really really want to collect, which primarily contain my three favorite characters Black Panther, Spider-man, and Doctor Strange. Almost everything else I buy digitially to cut down on the space that physical comics take up.” Which I think we can all appreciate and envy!

In other news, we have 16 new members and 483 new posts. The most popular books to pull last week were Ms. MarvelThe PunisherLoki: Agent of AsgardAction Comics #28 and the Green Lantern/Red Lantern flip book.

Thanks for checking us out and come back next week for more from our readers and members! Come and join the conversation in the forums!

Mike is a husband, father, writer, gamer, and all around geek. His life’s ambition is to write the fictions, either in film, books, or comics. He is currently working on a couple of comics with artists local to his home in Denver, Colorado, which will be…

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