ColumnsComicsFavorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 10/09/13


Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 10/02/13

Hello and welcome to Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week!

Each and every New Comic Book Release Day is a blessing. It’s the day we’re introduced to new worlds, are able to witness the next chapter in a continuing saga, or fall in love with a character or creator for the first time. I could go on and on, but I think you’ve already gotten my point. That point being … comics are awesome. So awesome in fact that even the covers of them are often times incredible works of art. We’re here to show you some of our  favorite covers each week! So go ahead and take a few moments for yourself (haven’t you earned it?) and feast your eyes on some truly inspired comic book covers!

If you’d like to contribute to this column all you need to do is send Steve an email at, telling him the title of the issue with the cover that you dig, as well as a brief description of why you’re grooving on that particular cover. We’ll try to include as many selections as possible and hope that you enjoy seeing your choices displayed for all of the internet to see.

So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!

– Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –

Red Sonja #4

Written by Gail Simone

Art by Walter Geovani

Cover by Jenny Frison

This could very well be one of my top five favorite comic book covers of the year! I find the colors absolutely memorizing and that intent on Sonja’s face makes me want to run and hide. This is a truly wicked cover and I can’t get enough of it.” – Steve Seigh 

Coffin Hill #1

Written by Caitlin Kitredge

Art by Inaki Miranda

Cover by Dave Johnson, Gene Ha

Caw caw, bitches! Ha ha! Seriously though, this cover is calling to me and I can hear it loud and clear.– Steve Seigh

The Memory Collectors

A Book by Menton 3

You didn’t think that I was going to miss an opportunity to share a Menton 3 cover with you, did you? If you did than you’d be a fool. A fool I say! Menton 3 is the sort of creator that inspires me and his work is second to none. I strongly urge for you to pick this book up. It is truly something to behold.– Steve Seigh

F.B.P. #4

Written by Simon Oliver

Art by Robbi Rodriguez

Cover by Nathan Fox

Wow, man! I would like totally gobble down some mushrooms and trip in a field filled with these flowers. For real. Look at those bright colors, the way the city looks there and not there at the same time. It’s gorgeous!– Steve Seigh

Infinity #4

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Jerome Opena & Dustin Weaver

Cover by Adam Kubert & Laura Martin

KRAK – KA – THOOM!– Steve Seigh

– Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –

Batgirl #24

Written by Gail Simone

Art by Fernando Pasarin

Cover by Alex Garner


Another stunner by Alex Garner! The raw emotions on display here are palpable; fear, determination, and loss all interwoven into an image that compels you to want to know what’s contained within! I’m beginning to compile my year-end “Best Of” lists, and this one was just added to the nominees!” – Bob Reyer

The Fearless Defenders #10

Art by Will Sliney

Cover by Mark Brooks

Let me just post Marvel’s solicitation copy for this issue first:  “INFINITY TIE-IN – like none other… because this one’s got dancing!” C’mon, who doesn’t want to see the Fearless Defenders as TLC?” – Bob Reyer

It Came!

Words and Art by Dan Boultwood

I haven’t bought an issue of this yet, as I’m waiting for the trade so I can have the whole “movie” in one volume, but Dan Boultwood’s cover homages to classic 50s science-fiction film posters is so winning that I’m starting to re-think my position!– Bob Reyer

– Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack – 

This list was compiled while listening to the self-titled album by the band Alice in Chains.


This list was compiled by Steve Seigh – Executive Editor of Talking Comics. You can hear Steve on the Talking Comics weekly podcast as well as find him on where he writes a featured, bi-weekly column called Ink & Pixel. His Twitter handle is @dead_anchoress.


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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