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Talking Comics Presents 4.17.13


By Bobby Shortle

Hello everyone and welcome to Talking Comics Presents! Every week we here at Talking Comics will endeavor to give you a personal view of the book we are most excited for, and why!

Remember , I want your input, what books are you excited for? Have you found any great fan art this week? Whats your favorite cover, panel or bit of writing (easy on the spoilers)? Do you have a video testimonial, audio blurb or art of your own you’d like to share? Send these things to and the best of them will be included here from now on!

Don’t forget to check out our podcast on our inspirations and influences, our chat with great Greg Rucka, the news of a Palestinian cartoonist being held in jail, and of course the  reviews from our amazing contributors.

Well, enough with the who, where, what, why and how, I give to you Talking Comics Presents for the books releasing on 4/17/13.


Black Beetle #3


Writer: Francesco Francavilla

Artist: Francesco Francavilla

Cover Artist: Francesco Francavilla

Recommended by Joey Braccino

Dark  Horse says: “Under the watchful gaze of the mysterious Labyrinto, Black Beetle fights for his life! Is this the doing of a man that Black Beetle thought was dead? Could a zombie mobster be commanding the foes of Colt City’s dark avenger?! If he survives the night, the investigative insect will be left with questions to ponder as he takes his investigation . . . to the morgue! An all-new superhero tale from 2012 Eisner Award winner Francesco Francavilla!”

Joey Braccino says: “Francesco Francavilla’s hard-boiled throwback barrels towards its conclusion with issue #3 in this 4-issue mini-series from Dark Horse. I tuned in for more of Francavilla’s stunning artwork after his short tenure on Marvel’s Captain America & Black Widow mini, but I’m sticking around for more of our eponymous hero’s pulpy (mis)adventures!!! Definitely worth a look for die-hard hard-boiled mystery fans!!! “




Batwoman #19


Story by J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman

Art by Trevor McCarthy & Walden Wong

Colors by Guy Major

Letters by Todd Klein

Cover by Trevor McCarthy, Rick Tulka, & Carl Peterson

Recommended by Tali Adina

DC Comics says: “What is the shocking family revelation that can turn Batwoman’s world upside down?”

Tali Adina says: “I want to know what the family secret is that will affect Batwoman’s world.”


Red Hood and the Outlaws #19


Story by James Tynion IV

Art by Julius Gopez

Colors by Nei Ruffino

Letters by Taylor Esposito

Cover by Al Barrionuevo & Javier Men

Recommended by Travis McCollum, Sean Lamont and Bobby Shortle

DC Comics says: “What horrors lie beneath the mask of the Red Hood?”

Travis McCollum says: “Since the beginning of the New 52, Red Hood and the Outlaws has been one of my favorite books to pick up every month. That’s not to say that the quality is always top-notch, some issues (especially earlier ones) are a little on the rough side, but the fun energy and camaraderie that the team share is always enjoyable, whether in space or on Earth. A few months ago the announcement came that Scott Lobdell was leaving the book and James Tynion IV would be taking over. As a fan of Talon I was undoubtedly excited, but it came with a bit of a heavy heart as I had really grown to love Lobdell’s run. I had the opportunity to talk to Tynion at ECCC though and it was easy to see that he shared my love of the series and really wanted to keep the spirit of the series alive while still incorporating his own elements. Add on some brilliant art from Julius Gopez (taking over for Mico Suayan who was originally announced as the artist) and you have the makings of a great new chapter in the saga of the Outlaws.”  

Sean Lamont says:Tough week for me as there are so many books coming out I am looking forward to, but top of the list for me would be Red Hood and the Outlaws #19.  It’s James Tynion IV’s first go at the title, and I’ve enjoyed quite a few of his backups as well as his efforts on Talon, so I am curious to see what he can do with this smorgasbord of broken yet fun characters.”

Bobby Shortle says: “I had a complicated relationship with Scott Lobdell’s Red Hood and the Outlaws. I grew to really appreciate it when I was doing my “Ranking the New 52” set of columns, but it never quite rose to the level of “pull worthy” for me.  Now, with the introduction of an up and coming writer and new direction for the series, I’m going to give Jason, Roy and Koriand’r another shot at making the list. 




Transfusion TP


Written by Steve Niles

Art by Menton3

Recommended by Melissa Megan

IDW says: “In a future overrun by out-of-control machines and monsters, a handful of human survivors try to fight their way back to a normal life. But what is normal in a world where both monsters and machines need human blood? And which are the real bad guys? Find out in this horrific new story by 30 Days of Night co-creator Steve Niles and menton3, the demented artist behind Monocyte!”

Melissa Megan says: “I’m most excited for Transfusion coming out this week in trade paperback. It was such a stellar story with the hard hitting talents of Steve Niles and Menton3 working together. Vampires versus robots!”




Danger Club #5


Story by Landry Q. Walker

Art by Eric Jones

Recommended by Adam Shaw

Image Comics says: “It’s the end of the world, and Jack Fearless must now pay the price for his crimes.”

Adam Shaw says: “Danger Club took a long hiatus while a member of the art team took care of some personal tragedies in his life. Kid Vigilante reminds me of an of amalgamation of Damian Wayne and Tim Drake. The ultimate in sidekicks. If you aren’t familiar with the series, all the heroes left Earth to defend it. They aren’t coming back. It’s up to the sidekicks now to defend the planet.”

Mara #4


Story by Brian Wood

Art by Ming Doyle

Colors by Jordie Bellaire

Letters by Clayton Cowles

Cover by Ming Doyle

Recommended by Bobby Shortle

Image Comics says: “The military is keen to co-opt Mara, now that her abilities are maturing, and they aren’t above using her soldier brother to convince her. They offer to “accept” her again, and she rightly rejects it for the crap that it is. Cut off not only from friends and family, but now from her country, where can she go now? Brian, Ming, and Jordie raise the stakes.”

Bobby Shortle says: “While there are a few indie books this week that have me jazzed – Miniature Jesus, Revival, Five Ghosts – none of them have me as excited as Brian Wood and Ming Doyle’s Mara #4.  This series took it to the next level last month and I can’t wait to see how the new developments begin to work themselves out. 




Cable and the X-Force #7


Story by Dennis Hopeless

Art by Salvador Larroca

Colors by Frank D’Armata

Letters by Clayton Cowles

Cover by Salvador Larroca, Frank D’Armata, & Dale Eaglesham

Recommended by Travis McCollum

Marvel Comics says: “Cyclops comes face-to-face with his son Cable. Colossus isn’t faring well in prison.”

Travis McCollum says: “Cable and the X-Force was a series that I really didn’t give a single thought to when it was first released. Initially I had picked it up solely because I enjoy Dr. Nemesis as a character, but as the issue went on I found myself really enjoying the book. Now we’re seven issues deep and the book has become a great mix of The A-Team/Mission Impossible and classic X-Force titles. It’s not a book for everybody and most of the criticisms leveled at it are fair (and in most cases right) but I really am loving this book and with Cyclops coming into the picture, we’re sure for an interesting issue.” 


Captain Marvel #12


Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick

Artist: Filipe Andrade

Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

Cover: Joe Quinones

Recommended by Joey Braccino, Mara Whiteside and Bob Reyer

Marvel Comics says: “The issue that will kick off a Major Captain Marvel and Avengers event! • Still grounded from flying, Captain Marvel takes on a different and dangerous kind of bird-DEATHBIRD! • Handicapped, but determined Carol risks her powers and her life! • PLUS: The unstoppable evil that’s been pulling Deathbird’s strings!”

Joey Braccino says: “I was trying to think of something clever to say, but I just kept coming back to AWESOME. ‘Nuff said”

Mara Whiteside says: “Solicits say that this issue will kick-off an event involving Captain Marvel and the Avengers. With Kelly Sue DeConnick behind the wheels, you know it is going to be great.”

Bob Reyer says: For a full year now, each and every issue of Captain Marvel has given us a deepening understanding of the complicated woman that is Carol Danvers. The super-heroics have been great, but it’s the human qualities that make this book truly special. With her own life and identity on-the-line, Carol dares all to protect her loved ones against the threat of a foe who has already bested her!”


Daredevil #25


Story by Mark Waid

Art by Chris Samnee

Colors by Javier Rodriguez

Cover by Chris Samnee, Adam Kubert, & Jorge Molina

Recommended by Steve Seigh and Bobby Shortle

Marvel Comics says: “The hidden foe behind DD’s troubles plays his trump card! Foggy’s life is on the line! Plus: Who is Nelson & Murdock’s mysterious benefactor–and what does he want?”

Steve Seigh says: “I’m always excited for a new issue of Superior Spider-Man but for my most anticipated book of the week (get ready Bobby) has got to be Daredevil #25. Since diving into Mark Waid’s Daredevil series I’ve been absolutely astonished by how much I’ve taken to it. Waid has such a dynamic way of building his characters and Daredevil is no exception. I won’t lie. For the longest time I always thought of Daredevil as somewhat of a wuss. To be fair, my only exposure to the character was that terrible Ben Affleck movie, so can you really blame me? However, since I’ve gotten to know The Man Without Fear much better through Waid’s tremendously engaging of presenting the character, I’ve grown very fond of him, and Foggy. Poor Foggy. Daredevil #25 is without a doubt my most anticipated book of this week. “

Bobby Shortle says: “Issue after issue Mark Waid’s Daredevil has continued its no stop assault on the pleasure center of my brain.  Whether the book is  giving us great action, spot on humor or even deep emotional pathos it is always striving to be something wholly unique. The fact that Waid and artist Chris Samnee are still able to surprise me with just how fantastic this book can be is a testamen to just how special this run is. 


Dark Avengers #189


Writer: Jeff Parker

Artist: Neil Edwards

Colorist: Chris Sotomayor

Cover: Joe Quinones

Recommended by Bob Reyer

Marvel Comics says:  “They were Earth’s Deadliest Villains. They’re about to become Avengers.  The penultimate chapter of dark heroics is here!  Parker & Edwards continue this year’s sleeper hit!”

Bob Reyer says:It is truly a shame that Dark Avengers is nearing its end! The Parker/Edwards team has been outstanding, delivering a richly-textured story, with amazingly diverse characters with distinct personalities and motivations. This final story-arc has been a wonderful “alternate world” tale…or has it been?”


Nova #3


Story by Jeph Loeb

Art by Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines

Colors by Marte Gracia

Cover by Ed McGuinness & Mark Bagley

Recommended by Adam Shaw

Marvel Comics says: “It’s time for Sam Alexander’s Training Day. And with the Guardians of Galaxy’s Gamora and Rocket Raccoon in charge, Nova soon learns that old lesson “Practice Makes Painful!””

Adam Shaw says:  “I’m really starting to dig the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe. We’ve only had a handful of issue since Marvel Now! started, but it is just so damn fun. I’ve got a lot of stressful crap going on, and I enjoy sitting down to some nice fun books.”


X-Factor #254


Writer: Peter Davd

Artist: Leonard Kirk

Colorist: Matt Milla

Cover: David Yardin

Recommended by Bob Reyer

Marvel Comics says:  “HELL ON EARTH WAR’ rages on as X-Factor struggles to stop the Hell Lords from tearing the Earth apart in their battle for dominance! And as the war spills into New York City, X-Factor receives help from longtime allies… • …but help may come too late as members of X-Factor Investigations continue to fall.”

Bob Reyer says:  Peter David has delivered an epic “event” story-line here, which nevertheless is centered on his deft characterizations, and not the chaos that surrounds these besieged heroes. For all of you who have been “X-ed” out, X-Factor is the antidote!”

Community Picks:

MARA #4 (OF 6)



Leonardo N. says:  “Some Indy love. Hope it doesn’t turn into another superhero origin.  Loving the art and the pacing of the story is great. “



Leonardo N. says:  “No idea what to expect with this series but its from image and they’ve been on fire lately.”




Leonardo N. says: “Ninja turtles and krang. Need I say more?!”

Daredevil #25

Luke H. says: “Mark Waid continues to impress me with each issue. After the gut punch he delivered a few issues back I’m interested to see where he takes it.”

Captain Marvel # 12

Luke H. says: “One of my monthly favs. I feel like I’ve gotten to know the Carol Danvers character so well that when I pick up the newest issue its like saying hi to an old friend.”

Daredevil End of Days # 7

Luke H. says: “I love this series! It is a little bittersweet that there is only one more issue after this but I does add to the excitement!”

Justice League #19

Luke H. says: “OK, I have been keeping up on this book mostly because I don’t want an entire Marvel pull list, but I did enjoy the Throne of Atlantis stuff. So the Trinity War thing has me onboard again. Also the Shazam back ups have been stellar.”

Well that’s all for this week’s Talking Comics Presents, don’t forget to send your picks and submissions to, and check out the Talking Comics Podcast. On this week’s show we discussed Age of Ultron, Mind MGMT, Batgirl and more!

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at and talking…

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