
Review: The Theater #3

The Theater #3

Created & Written by Raven Gregory

Pencils by Marcio Abreu and Novo Malgapo

Colors by Mark Roberts and Michael Garcia

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

There’s a darkness that grows inside each one of us, that if given the chance, could devour best of intentions. It’s like there’s this hole inside of your heart and you can feel it expanding with each passing day. Without the acceptance and determination to move on from what’s left you with this emptiness, you’re bound to just be swallowed by your own darkness.

While I was a little disappointed with last month’s issue of The Theater, I’m happy to say that this latest issue has me, once again, claiming a seat right at the center of the auditorium. Raven Gregory lets the velvet rope fall once again and ushers us into a scenario in which, Tim Bailey, discovers a hole in the ceiling above his own bed, a hole that appears to have no other side. Things become even more complicated for Tim as he searches for a way to fill the hole in his bedroom ceiling, as well as the holes left in his life by a cheating ex, and a daughter down on her luck.

What I like the most about this issue of The Theater is it’s simplicity. Gregory knows how to tell an unnerving tale even when he isn’t using an assortment of blood and guts. The Theater delivers it’s stories  in an Tales from the Crypt-like fashion that is tailored for this type of storytelling. Each week we get new characters, a new scenario, and a little bit more of the big picture.

I’m curious to find out what happens in the next issue of The Theater. It appears as if we might be delving a little bit more into the lore of the actual theater next time out, and that is something I am really interested to hear about. If not, well than hey, I’m still on board for an episodic style comic that just wants to tell me a quick campfire tale of caution.


The Theater is a creepy movie theater inside of town where strange and frightening things tend to happen. Each month we’re treated to a new short film that has an important message to to teach you. You’d better be paying attention or you may very well just wind up dead.


If Horror comic books are your thing you might want to think about checking out The Theater. So far I think you’d be able to jump right in without having read previous issues, but it always helps. I will definitely be checking out next months issue.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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