Tag: reviews

Pariah #1 Review

Pariah #1 Story by Aron Warner and Philip Gelatt Art and Lettering by Brett Weldele Review by Mike Duke I don't like saying that a comic is "not for everyone," especially when I like it, because it makes me…

SHIELD Watch! 02-27-14

Episode One: Impressions and the story so far Agents of Talking Comic Books! I have been tasked with providing you--our dear readers and listeners--with weekly reviews of our favorite Marvel TV show, Agents of SHIELD. There…

Animal Man #28 Review

Animal Man #28 Written by Jeff Lemire Art by Rafael Albuquerque Color by Dave McCaig Letters by Jared K. Fletcher Review by Mike Duke Animal Man is over. After this issue there is only one more--a wrap up issue as near as I…