ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Batman #48 Review

Batman #48 Review

Written by Tom King

Art by Mikel Janin

Colour by June Chung

Letters by

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

There are just two issues until the wedding and the Jokers not happy that he isn’t invited or given consideration in the matter. The fallout of this slight is Joker trying to get Batman’s attention in a church; and this comic is Joker monologuing to Batman about love, their relationship, and his mother; whilst he is continually looking for a hostage, so Batman won’t punch me. King shows that he knows how to write a psychotic and yet funny Joker and he highlights the special relationship Batman and Joker have, and how the announcement of the impending marriage has affected the Joker, but with King’s usual finesse and flair, as well as repetition. Catwoman enters the story briefly, but it is evident that she will take a more central role in the second part of this final story before the wedding ceremony. This story if you felt the last arc put the brakes on the build-up to the wedding, (even if I have to say I will take whatever Booster I can get), gets the story back on track; illustrating how the marriage will affect Batman’s rogues’ gallery.

Janin does a great Joker with crazy stares and quickly shifting expressions; this emotive Joker is what makes this a joy to read. The Batman though is sometimes a little too stiff looking more like a 3D model than the surroundings, but this is not consistent enough to make the detailed art any less stunning. As Janin brings real gravity, motion, and emotion to every panel and to what is, in essence, an extended Mexican standoff with bullets and batarangs.

Verdict: Buy

This issue is a great look at why the Joker works, he is crazy and psychotic but just so entertaining to read and it looks like the wedding will not be plain sailing.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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