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Talking Movies episode 151: Tommy Wiseau’s The Room

Oh, hi, Talking Movies listeners! This week, on what might be our best worst episode ever, we discuss the cult classic The Room, a real showcase for writer, director, producer, and leading man Tommy Wiseau.

Co-host Nick has been a longtime fan of this film, considered one of the worst movies ever made, but Brian and Chris… Well, they’re a bit less enamored with the idea of a notoriously terrible flick that’s been called “the Citizen Kane of bad movies”. But, they’ve agreed to see the film in anticipation of the upcoming release of The Disaster Artist, James Franco’s highly anticipated behind-the-scenes comedy that tells the story of Wiseau’s Hollywood dreams and how he realized them in spectacularly awful fashion.

Did they enjoy The Room‘s creep-tastic sex scenes, its mind-numbing dialogue, its insanely bizarre character motivations, and everything else that’s earned the film honors as a modern trash classic? Can a film truly be “so bad it’s good”? And, will they ever let Nick pick a movie again? Find out all that, plus: Brian checks out Hulu’s new sci-fi comedy Future Man, Chris delves into the short but super-scary early filmography of It director Andy Muschietti, and Nick has some very positive things to say about legitimately good movies Captain Fantastic and Thor: Ragnarok. Join us for an episode that’s more fun than having sex with your best friend’s fiancée!

Talking Movies 151: The Room

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Nick can be found on Twitter at @CinematicNick.

Chris can be found on Twitter at @OllieTwist36.

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