
Power Man & Iron Fist #15 Review

Power Man & Iron Fist #15

Writer: David F. Walker

Artist: Sanford Green

Colorist: Lee Loughridge

Letters: Clayton Cowles

It was a sad Sunday as I finally found the time to sit down and read Power Man & Iron Fist #15, which unfortunately is the final issue of what has been an incredibly enjoyable comic and one that is ending far to soon. David F. Walker was the perfect choice for this series, and I know that he is going to continue with a Luke Cage series but to me Power Man is better with Iron Fist and Iron Fist is better with Power Man. From Power Man & Iron Fist # 1 to this concluding issue Walker has both told one long story but broke it down in such a manner that there were mini stories within and he didn’t even miss a beat when the book was drug into Civil War II, as the ancillary story told in Power Man & Iron Fist fit with where the book was already going. It was also apparent from the start that Walker was a fan of the original Power Man & Iron Fist book as there were many call backs to that series but with modern dialogue and a lovely update of style by the great Sanford Green, who completely blew my mind with his work on this book.

But like all good things the end must come and Power Man & Iron Fist #15 is the final story of this series and it is an excellent issue. All of our running plot threads come to a head as Power Man, Iron Fist, Jennie Royce and Senor Magico are dealing with the release of the hell spawn Chadoe, which has taken over Alex Wilder’s body and is hell bent on destroying the world. Black Mariah has sided with Wilder all while Tombstone and Mr. Fish are still out for revenge for the gang war that lost them control of Harlem. The book begins by picking up on the magical cliffhanger from the last issue where hell is actually trying to swallow up our lead characters but it soon jumps to urban warfare before picking up the damn Fiddle Faddle magic again. It sounds like a lot of plot threads to wrap up in a single issue but in Walker and Green’s hands it is beautifully done and even comes with a tear-jerking conclusion.

If this series had to end then Power Man & Iron Fist #15 is the perfect ending. David F. Walker is an incredible writer and he is doing some of his finest work on this issue. He masterfully wraps up many ongoing plots and seamlessly ties a bow on the series. Sanford Green’s art is a perfect combination to Walker’s story. His funky style is both cartoony but incredibly dynamic as the action leaps off the pages. The characters are easily identifiable Green has made them his own with his distinct style and I am going to miss his work as he is notably absent from Walker’s upcoming Luke Cage and Ed Brisson’s new Iron Fist book.

Verdict: Power Man and Iron Fist # 15, just like every issue of the series, is a BUY! This series has been an absolute treat to read and the concluding issue is no different. If you’ve been reading the entire run you will be sad to see it go but if it’s going to go then this is the perfect issue as a send off. If you haven’t read the title yet then read it all now, you will not be disappointed.

John Burkle holds a BA in Political Science and a MA in Education. He spends his day teaching Politics and Government as well passing on a love of comics to the next generation. When not teaching he reads as many comics as he can, both current and…

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