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Teen Titans #1 Review

Story and Visuals: Benjamin Percy (@Benjamin_Percy) and Jonboy Meyers
Color: Jim Charalampidis
Letters: Corey Breen (@CjB_Productions)

Review by Deanna Chapman (@deeechap)

Teen Titans #1

Teen Titans #1 brings together a new team with an unlikely leader in Damian. In the one-shot, he kidnapped four heroes who would be well suited for the new team. It’s safe to say that ha doesn’t make the best first impression on them. Flashbacks take up half of this episode. They focus on Damian turning 13 and Bruce not being there. We also get a look at Ra’s al Ghul at the end of the issue.

The one-shot gave me a reason to check out this first issue. It’s still unclear whether or not Damian is a leader, but it’s intriguing. This issue serves to set up the scenario for the first arc. It doesn’t come together until the end of the issue, but it’s something that appears as though it will pay off as far as a good storyline goes. Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire, and Kid Flash all need some convincing, but it looks like they’re in agreement on joining the team. For now, anyway.

Benjamin Percy and Jonboy Meyers do a great job with the story. They give us just enough to chew on while we wait for some real action to happen. The art is solid and the characters really have their features accentuated. It’s a great amount of detail that helps bring out the personalities in each character. My only quip really is on the coloring aspect. The characters have almost this glowing outline to them and it’s a bit much when it’s in almost every panel. The characters should just blend in with their background.

Verdict: Buy. With only one minor issue with this, well, issue, it’s hard to not want to follow along for at least this first arc. Damian needs to prove a lot to his fellow teammates to show he can be a good leader. As I said with the one-shot, this story has my attention and I look forward to reading more about these characters.

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