
Surgeon X #1 Review

Writer: Sara Kenney
Artist: John Watkiss
Colorist: James Delvin
Letterer: Jared K. Fletcher

Review by Deanna Chapman

Surgeon X is the latest in new titles from Image. It takes place in 2036 and the first page of the comic is propaganda for the Antibiotic Preservation Act. If you aren’t paying close enough attention, you may just flip on by it thinking it’s an ad page. The issue runs for about 40 pages so it’s jam packed for a first issue.

Surgeon X #1
Surgeon X #1

The premise behind the story is that Dr. Rosa Scott was working in a hospital, which had their antibiotics use cut in half. She quits and goes rogue, so to speak, and stars performing surgeries in a basement. Her brother is on board, as is her twin sister’s husband. It’s a futuristic take on medicine, while being a realistic take on politics. It’s a story that will definitely make you think about the future considering 2036 is only 20 years out for us now.

Surgeon X is Sara Kenney’s first stab at writing a comic book. While it felt obvious she wasn’t a seasoned writer in this medium, it was well written. It has an interesting plot and doesn’t give too much away about all of the characters at once. While it’s a longer issue than you typically get with most titles, it has a good pace to it. The flashback scene works well to let the readers know how we arrive at the present day situation.

John Watkiss and James Delvin team up as the artist an colorist. There’s a star difference between the current day setting and the flashback to two weeks earlier. This was a point of attention because it helps you remember what moment you’re in. Plus, a hospital should be much brighter than operating on someone in a basement. Their styles blended well in showing the grittiness of Rosa’s situation and the harshness of the bombing.

A quick note on the lettering from Jared K. Fletcher. He makes it nice and neat, even though we all know that’s not what it looks like when you read a doctor’s actual writing. Thankfully that is not something we need to do in this issue. The irony in that is something extra to enjoy.

Verdict: Check it out. This series might not be for everyone, but it has a meaty first issue with a bit of a twist at the end (which I didn’t mention because you’ll just have to read it yourself). Image has a knack for picking some great stories from new creators, and this one has some potential. Take a chance on it with the first issue and see if you find it entertaining.

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