ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Gotham Academy #4 Review

Gotham Academy #4

Story by Becky Cloonan & Brenden Fletcher

Art by Karl Kerschl

Article by Mara Wood

Gotham Academy 4

Gotham Academy the remedy for the overly grimdark feel the DC Universe has developed as of late. While staying true the noir overtones of the Batman franchise, Gotham Academy has carved out a niche for itself in the span of four short issues.

Pomeline and Olive are not quite sure what they saw last night. Surely it was not a ghost; no matter how strange things were around Gotham Academy, a ghost just could not be real. The girls are sure they uncovered something evil, and the fact the faculty are covering it up is reason enough to believe in the supernatural.

Olive is starting to pick up on more of the mysteries of the academy. With her observations and Maps’ unconventional interrogation techniques, Olive is aiming to find out all the secrets of Gotham Academy…but only if the new cute guy doesn’t distract her too much.

Gotham Academy continues to have one of the best support casts of comics. Olive interacts with students throughout the school who are intertwined with each other through class, friendships, and romance. Cloonan and Fletcher are building a story that relies on how well Olive can interact with her fellow classmates. With her bleak past and reluctance to open up to others, this story element will provide some great character development.

It’s pointless to try to tell you what Gotham Academy is like in regards to other media franchises. The elements of the story blend together in a fresh, interesting way that appeals to wide audience. The events of the story do not rely on caped crusaders or martial combat. Instead, this is a look into the world of Gotham without the biases Bruce Wayne brings with him as a main character. The action is presented differently, with a reliance on social interaction, mystery, humor, and curiosity that only teenagers possess.  The art is amazing; Kerschl’s pencils (with colors by Msassyk and Serge LaPointe) capture the unique look of each character and the ominous feel of the academy itself.


Gotham Academy #4, like #1-3, is a buy. With its new characters, roleplaying games humor, and awkward crushes, Gotham Academy is the DC book we deserve.

On a personal note, can I adopt Maps as my little sister?

Mara Wood holds a Ph. D. in School Psychology. Currently, she works for a public school system assessing students for educational placement. Her research focus is comic books and how they can be used in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend…

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