FeaturedPodcastTalking Games

Talking Games Episode #10: Transistor, E3 Wishes, and Squatty Pottys

Talking Games Episode #10: Transistor, E3 Wishes, and Squatty Pottys

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Steve, Jacqui, Justin, and Rob have once again gathered round  to share their thoughts on this week’s podcast. Why, after several weeks of singing its praises is Jacqui upset with her PS4? Just how much does Justin love Child of Light? What in tarnation is a Squatty Potty and who among the cast is ready and willing to purchase one? All of these questions and many more will be answered and the crew even finds the time to talk about games like: Transistor, Stick It To The Man, Amazing Spider-Man 2, Fallout 3, Child of Light, and that’s just the start! Game on!

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Bobby: @bobbyshortle
Steve: @dead_anchoress
Jacqui: @jacquiturner
Justin: @joroak
Rob: @Dusk1020


The Video Game Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics (www.talkingcomicbooks.com), a blog dedicated to covering the latest and greatest in comic book releases. The podcast is composed of Editor-in-Chief Bobby Shortle (Talking Comics, Man Cave Podcast), Jacqui Turner (Fanboy Remix) Steve Seigh (JoBlo.com Ink and Pixel, Talking Comics), Justin Townson and Rob Neumeyer who weekly dissect the games they’ve been playing and their shared love of gaming. Our Twitter handle is @Talking_Games and you can email us at podcast@talkingcomicbooks.com.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on Joblo.com, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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