
Contribute to Talking Comics


We’re not looking for staff contributors at the moment, but we ARE always looking for new voices to talk about comics and anything else that our readers might enjoy.

If YOU think that you have an article that might be of interest to us, we want to read it. We don’t currently pay for articles that we take on, but you would get full credit on the site, a log in for future articles you may want to write (postable at the discretion of the editorial team) and a byline to go along with your piece, including your name, a brief bio and where people can find you and more of your work.

AND we are looking to take someone on for episode recaps of The Walking Dead and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so if that sounds like something you might like to do, get in touch with us ASAP. This position would be open for as long as there is stuff to review.

Send your submissions to with the subject “Article Submission”.

Please be advised that it may take some time for us to go through the articles and let you know whether or not we will be using it. And please don’t send multiple emails with your article. We promise that if we intend on using your article, we will contact you and let you know ASAP.

Stephanie is [obviously] a comic book fan, but she also considers herself an avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, board games fan (although she doesn’t find nearly enough time for them…) and being snarky. Oh, and Twitter. Twitter’s a hobby, right?…

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