
X-O Manowar #15 Review

XO Manowar 15 Variant

X-O Manowar #15

Written by Robert Venditti

Pencils by Lee Garbett

Inks by Stefano Gaudiano

Colors by Moose Baumann

Letters by Dave Sharpe

Review by Adam Shaw


With the end of “Planet Death” and the ultimate defeat of the Vine, Aric has returned to Earth with the Visigoth descendants he freed. He’s promised to give them a homeland and has claimed land in Romania as the new Visigoth home. It has the locals panicked and leads to the appearance of the Eternal Warrior.

As fate would have it, Gilad (the Eternal Warrior) and Aric were brothers in arms well over a millennia ago. It’s not just all cameos though, as Venditti uses the Eternal Warrior as a contrast to remind Aric that he is a man out of time. Although X-O Manowar #15 isn’t the most action packed issue of the series so far, it takes a step back to provide Aric with a chance for some self-introspection about his role in the modern world. There was a lot of posturing between the two warriors, but I rather enjoyed the exchanged. The reunion helps to bring X-O Manowar into the larger world of the Valiant universe. It’s nice to see characters popping up from other series (and soon to have their own).

This issue definitely slows down the pace on the series, but that’s too be expected after a yearlong battle that has just concluded. It’s time to regroup and get ready for whatever lies ahead.

There is a change up on art this issue as Lee Garbett takes over for Cary Nord. Garbett and Gaudiano do a great job of keeping the style in line with Nord’s work, while making it their own. There’s a little more detail in the surroundings and slightly thicker pen lines. The constant here is Baumann who has been ace on setting the tone.

The Verdict

Issue #15 of X-O Manowar is a slower paced issue than what fans of the series are used to. This is a new era for Aric as he needs to decide what he will do now that he has exacted his revenge on the Vine. It’s an all new arc, and provides a good place for new readers or those also interested in Eternal Warrior to jump on.

Adam is the "Valiant Guy" for Talking Comics. He is the host of the Talking Valiant podcast. Adam also has immense knowledge of the old Star Wars expanded universe. He's a high school English teacher by day, and has a Master's degree…

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