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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 02/20/13

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 02/20/13

A weekly column by Steve Seigh

Welcome to Talking Comics‘ Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! What we have here is all pretty self explanatory. Each week I’m going to reflect on the cover art of some of my favorite new comics and tell you which ones I really dig. But please, remember that this is simply the opinion of one core member of Talking Comics, and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the remainder of our hard working staff.

Simple. Clean. Artsy. Enjoy!

* Comic Book Cover Spotlight *

Womanthology: Space #5

Story by Cecil Castelucci, Laura Morley, Alison Pang, & Barbara Kesel
Art by Kel McDonald, Chrissie Zullo, & Polly Guo
Cover by Hanie Mohd

As a fan and friend I wanted to be sure to draw extra, special attention to this month’s cover for Womanthology: Space #5 which was drawn by our very own Hanie Mohd! She’s a lovely and super talented lass who has been producing whimsical, vibrant art to the comics community for the past few years and we just love her. She also happens to be the artist behind our super awesome Talking Comics superhero avatars, in case you didn’t know. Be sure to pick up your copy of Womanthology: Space #5 and help support a project in comics developed entirely by women in the comics community.

Batwoman #17

Story by J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman
Art by J.H. Williams III
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Todd Klein
Cover by J.H. Williams III

Oh Batwoman, I know you don’t swing my way but I in total lesbians with you. This week we have yet another beautiful cover drawn by J.H. Williams III and it’s my absolute favorite of the week by far. There’s something so defying in those white slits. It’s as if they’re peering into your soul and begging you to stand in the way of  Kate Kane’s mission to bring justice  to Gotham City. Kate wants you to point your gun, raise your knife, and spew vile words from your villainous tongue, giving her every reason to put you down and fast. This cover gives me chills. I love it.  

Dark Avengers #187

Story by Jeff Parker
Art by Neil Edwards & Terry Pallot
Colors by Chris Sotomayor
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Joe Quinones

I can’t quite put my finger on as to why I like this cover so much. After unpacking it inside the shop this past Wednesday all I did was stare at it for several minutes before moving on. I like the iconic nature of the scales and its relation to judgement upon those who might do us harm. There’s also something quite striking about the color palate that we have here. I’m really digging the blue sky against the flesh and red colors of the outfit. And man oh man, that smirk. So good.

Morbius: The Living Vampire #2

Story by Joe Keatinge
Art by Richard Elson
Colors by Antonio Fabela
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Mike Deodato, Edgar Delgado, & Marcos Martin

Okay, so I can’t help but get the theme to HBO’s True Blood stuck in my head when gazing upon this cover, but nonetheless I really do like it. It’s threatening, simplistic, and invites you to take a fanged bite out of a very good comic book. I see this cover as a real eye catcher. It’s my belief that even if you weren’t reading Morbius: The Living Vampire, you’d at least pick it up and thumb through it because of this stark and sinister image adorning the cover. 

Saga #10

Story by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Fiona Staples
Letters by Fonografiks
Cover by Fiona Staples

Let’s face facts. I love Fiona Staples. Ever since catching her art in Andrew Foley’s Done to Death I’ve been entranced by her sense of style, use of color, and personality inside her artwork. More often than not Saga will always find it’s way onto these lists each month and each and every cover has been something to behold. Marry me, Fiona. Heh. Just kidding. But seriously … maybe? 

Avengers #6

Story by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Adam Kubert
Cover by Dustin Weaver & Daniel Acuña

Yes, if you listen to the Talking Comics podcast you’ll know full well that I am a Jonathan Hickman fanboy, straight up. However, this is about art. And I don’t just include covers in this column because I love the content of the books found here. It’s all about the art, baby! That being said, I really do enjoy this cover. I like it because it conveys that Avengers, under Jonathan Hickman’s masterful planning has become something far bigger than it’s ever been. Avengers has gone cosmic since the start of Marvel Now and I could not be any more excited about that. This cover tells you right away that you’re about to dive into some hardcore space s*@! and you’d better buckle up.

* Special Editor-In-Chief’s Pick of the Week *

Daredevil # 23

Story by Mark Waid
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Javier Rodriguez
Cover by Chris Samnee

Ha! Bobby is not aware that I am including this selection in this week’s column. However, when he picked up his copy yesterday I remember him exclaiming that he absolutely loved this cover. I believe he said it was something about the way the flaming double D’s (hey-o!) light up the logo from below that he really enjoyed. I agree. There ya go, man. You’re welcome.


* This list was compiled while listening to the self titled album by the band Fever Ray.


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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