FeaturedPodcastTalking Comics

Issue #66: Crisis on Infinite Podcasts: How to Make the Perfect Comic Book Event

Another week, another podcast. This week Stephanie steps out, and we are joined by Rob to tackle the monumental task of trying to sculpt the perfect comic book event. Whether you are looking for some comic book history, a breakdown of how to make character interactions more effective or even an original event idea, we've got it all for you!


Issue #66: Crisis on Infinite Podcasts: How to Make the Perfect Event

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Another week, another podcast. This week Stephanie steps out, and we are joined by Rob to tackle the monumental task of trying to sculpt the perfect comic book event.  Whether you are looking for some comic book history, a breakdown of how to make character interactions more effective or even an original event idea, we’ve got it all for you!

As per usual though, we also discuss our Books of the Week, which has more or less evolved into a talk about the books we’ve read in general (love, hate or somewhere in between). Some of the books we talk about this week include: Young Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, FF, Uncanny X- Force and Justice League. We also answer your listener questions, weigh in on J.J. Abrams directing Star Wars, and debate the origins of the Rhino.

Make sure to check out last week’s interviews with  Love and Capes creator Thomas Zahler and Peter Panzerfaust creator, Kurtis Wiebe.

Annnnnnnnnnd… we say it on the show, but just in case you missed it, the Talking Comics crew on Twitter are:

Bobby: @bobbyshortle
Steve: @dead_anchoress
Stephanie: @hellocookie
And Bob’s email is bobreyer@talkingcomicbooks.com

FYI: the crew have gone all superhero on the world, thanks to the wonderful Hanie Mohd. Like them? Make sure to follow her and let us know what you think of our new superhero pictures.

The Comic Book Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics (www.talkingcomicbooks.com), a blog dedicated to covering the latest and greatest in comic book releases. The editorial staff is composed of Editor-in-Chief Bobby Shortle (Fanboy Remix, Doctor Whocast), Stephanie Cooke (JoBlo.com) and Steve Seigh (JoBlo.com contributor) who weekly dissect the releases and give you, the consumer, a simple Roman yay or nay regarding them. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at info@talkingcomicbooks.com

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at http://vimeo.com/bobbyshortle and talking…

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