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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 01/30/13

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 01/30/13

A weekly column by Steve Seigh

Welcome to Talking Comics‘ Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! What we have here is all pretty self explanatory. Each week I’m going to reflect on the cover art of some of my favorite new comics and tell you which ones I really dig. But please, remember that this is simply the opinion of one core member of Talking Comics, and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the remainder of our hard working staff.

Simple. Clean. Artsy. Enjoy!


X-Men Legacy #5

Story by Simon Spurrier
Art by Jorge Molina
Cover by Mike Del Mundo & Jorge Molina


So yeah, there seems to be a repeating theme surrounding the X-Men Legacy covers. With the exception of the incredibly cool cover from X-Men Legacy #3, the X-Men Legacy covers seem to focus primarily on Legion’s high top doo. Each month the artists of this book find new ways to do something artful within the confines of that space, and this month appears to be no different. I love how colorful this cover is. I like the placement of each character within the cage and how they’re all crammed up against one another to create this cornucopia or color and personality.

Journey Into Mystery #648

Story by Kathryn Immonen
Art by Valerio Schiti
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Jeff Dekal, Nic Klein


I’m not sure that I need to say much about why I absolutely LOVE this cover. First, I love the Journey Into Mystery series. Second, I LOVE Sif. But more importantly, this is a menacing and stark image that evokes a sense of danger and allure that speaks to me on a very carnal level. I would not want to f%#* with a woman giving me that kind of glare. I could only imagine her intentions and that scares me. 

Hawkeye #7

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Steve Lieber & Jesse Hamm
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Chris Eliopoulos
Cover by David Aja


Pretty much anytime an artist uses the colors Black, White, and Red in a creative fashion that art is going to immediately catch my eye. Being from New York and having lived with Hurricane Sandy and her wrath for 11 days before things returned back to normal this cover hits very close to home for me, personally. Though my own situation wasn’t nearly as traumatic as some I still feel for my fellow New Yorkers and New Jersey neighbors who have endured so much worse than I ever did. This cover is wonderful by the extension of what it represents for my home and my fellow New Yorkers. 

The Superior Spider-Man #2

Story by Dan Slott
Art by Ryan Stegman
Cover by Ryan Stegman & Ed McGuinness


Can you say Superior Gone with the Wind? I love the black background and the look of surprise on Mary Jane’s face as Peter Octavious goes in for the smooch. 

X-Treme X-Men #9

Story by Greg Pak
Art by Paco Diaz
Colors by Jessica Kholinne & Chris Sotomayor
Cover by Kalman Andrasofszky

Ha ha ha ha! We had so many great laughs at the expense of the cover for X-Treme X-Men #9 at the comic shop this week that I felt compelled to include it. The pink logo, the ridiculous abs, the jungle garb, it’s all just so funny. So much for comics only objectifying women, eh ladies?

* This list was compiled while listening to the self-titled debut  album from the band Ultrarista.


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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