By Courtney Key
Following on the heels of a Bleeding Cool report that All-New X-Factor would be cancelled with issue #19, Peter David took to his personal blog to confirm the cancellation. However, the series is getting an additional issue, ending with #20.

David attributed the cancellation to low sales of the book. He wrote that “for some reason Bleeding Cool is associating it with the fact that Quicksilver will be returning to the Avengers and that’s why the book is going away. No, it’s because not enough people are buying it.”
The writer pointed to trade waiters as a contributing factor to the end of the series.
“All I did was write a book that got tons of positive write-ups,” he continued on his blog. “Which I guess is enough to encourage people to buy it when it comes out in trades, oblivious to the fact that books get cancelled when you do that.”

A date for the final issue of All-New X-Factor has not yet been announced.