
Saga #7 Review

Saga #7 Review

Written by: Brian Vaughn

Art by: Fiona Staples

Letters designed by: Fonografiks

Reveiewed by: Talisha Harrison aka Tali Adina

The epic story of Hazel and her family continues with this newest issue.  At the end of issue six, we meet Hazel’s grandparents which had me looking forward to this issue and it did not disappoint!  Family introductions can be extremely awkward and with Alana in her towel being introduced to Marko’s parents for the first time, this was indeed an awkward moment.  This was ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ Vaughn and Staples style.

The story is wonderful, and we’re left with a cliffhanger at the end. I’m not gonna spoil it for you, all I can say is that book is excellent! Staples art is just mind blowing (did you see the cover?) and Vaughn’s writing just keeps me invovled in the story. It’s amazing story-telling.


Buy it! This series is great and the creative team keeps blowing me away with what they do each issue.

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