A biweekly column by Talisha Harrison aka Tali Adina
Welcome to Talking Comics’ Character Spotlight! Every other week, I’ll be spotlighting a character from comics, cartoons, etc. However this week is special as it’s Women in Comics Week! So I’ll be spotlighting five of my favorite female characters each day this week. So today, the spotlight falls on:

I was introduced to this character by a friend of mine who mentioned that I should cosplay as her for a convention that I want to attend this year. I had heard of The Walking Dead but I wasn’t really familiar with it. Well I was able to read a few of the comics and then I won an autographed copy of season one of the TV show (which was signed by Robert Kirkman!) and I was hooked.
When I first saw what Michonne looked like, I was ecstatic. Michonne is a unique character who exists in a crazy messed up world where the dead walk and the living have something to fear. She’s a strong person who takes charge and can kick ass with or without her katana. Though I need to catch up with season two of the TV series, I can’t wait for season three and can’t wait to see how actress Danai Gurira will portray Michonne.
Here’s a few things that you need to know about this awesome female character:
- Michonne is pronounced “Me-shone”
- She first appears towing two armless, jawless zombies (her boyfriend and his best friend) in shackles in issue 19 of The Walking Dead comic.
- She practiced fencing when she was a child, and briefly picked the hobby up again when she was in college to study law.
- She has her own prequel story entitled Michonne’s Story. It’s a six page story that shows Michonne’s past prior to when the apocalypse started. It was published on March 16, 2012 in Playboy magazine.
- Michonne tends to work alone and quietly, but still fights for the survivors defense as strongly as the other active defenders. Other members of the group agree that she’s one of the stronger members.
- She has imaginary conversations with her dead boyfriend, to keep herself from breaking down, as a coping mechanism to deal with the horror of the real world.
- Michonne made her first appearance in the last episode of season two of The Walking Dead “Beside the Dying Fire”.
Michonne is such an amazing character who kicks undead butt. Check out The Walking Dead comic book series as well as season three of the TV series that starts in October. Here’s a snippet of Michonne in action below. Enjoy!