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What Does the Nielsen Survey Say About the DC New 52?

There has obviously been a lot of talk lately about DC Comics, between the launch of the DC New 52, the unveiling of their brand-new logo and of course, the controversy over their announcement of Before Watchmen.  Out of those DC topics, let’s take a moment to discuss the DC New 52… Again.  Love it or hate it, it was an excellent concept to bring forth new comic book lovers.
I personally think that the launch has been mostly successful, but I’m interested to see how it’s really doing.  Of course, DC was interested as well and they commissioned The Nielsen Company to put together a series of consumer surveys to evaluate the response.  I wanted to share with you the rather interested results:


  • The launch of DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 galvanized the traditional fan base for superhero comic books: male readers, who were already—or have at one time been—comic book fans.
  • The survey results are not a reflection of all comic book readers or the broader audience for graphic novels. This was a survey of consumers who specifically purchased DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 comic books, either in print or digital format.
  • DC COMICS: THE NEW 52 appealed mainly to avid fans and lapsed readers. More than 70% of those surveyed categorized themselves as avid fans who visit the comic book store every week. More than a quarter of in-store consumers were lapsed readers. The survey indicates that 5% of those polled identified themselves as first-time, new readers.
  • More than 50% of DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 readers were between the ages of 13 and 34. And more than 50% of in-store DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 consumers had an annual income of $60K or less. The data supports and arguably validates our philosophy of holding the line at $2.99 which DCE is committed to maintaining.
  • The majority of titles generated strong interest and likely reader retention.
  • Avid Fans purchased up to 20 titles out of the 52 titles.
  • Digital: of dual mode readers, digital is far from replacing print.
  • Impulse buys: Up to four-in-ten respondents reported that a NEW 52 title they were interested in (at a physical store location) was out of stock. Nearly two-thirds made a spontaneous purchase.


What do you think about what this survey has shown? Leave us your thoughts in the comment section below!

Stephanie is [obviously] a comic book fan, but she also considers herself an avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, board games fan (although she doesn’t find nearly enough time for them…) and being snarky. Oh, and Twitter. Twitter’s a hobby, right?…

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