DC ComicsReviews

Review : DC Universe Presents #1

DC Universe Presents #1

Issue Title: “Deadman in Twenty Questions Part 1”

By Paul Jenkins & Bernard Chang

“Deadman in Twenty Questions Part 1” is the title of the first entry of DC’s anthology book, and it is a rock-solid debut. As the title suggests, this isn’t a one-off (nor do I know how long the story will continue for) but a set-up to a bigger story. We meet Boston Brand and he gives a wonderful summary of his past life (lives?) all the while we’re being introduced to the current characters that will have a larger impact later.

Virtually everything in this story works, from the moments of levity to the more emotional payoffs. Brand is a truly interesting character, and the weight of his plight is taken with complete seriousness, which has not always been the case with the character. I can’t wait to see what happens next week!




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