
Killadelphia #3

Rodney Barnes, writer

Jason Shawn Alexander, art

Luis NCT, colors

Marshall Dillon, Letters



In the previous issue Jimmy finds evidence that connects the vampire epidemic in the city to the second president of the United States, John Adams. Furthermore, evidence also connects Tevin Thompkins, a missing resident of Hell Hall housing projects in Killadelphia, to the group. Jimmy and a doctor named “Jose” must find a way to stop the epidemic before it spreads throughout the city. This issue continues to draw parallels between John Adams, the beginning of the vampire epidemic, and the current situation in Killadelphia. Meanwhile, Sangster, who’s now infected by the virus, continues to help the police find a way to stop the vampires. 

The question that sticks with the reader throughout is: How does this story connect with the real-life situation in our country today?. The connections drawn to the play Hamilton through John Adams’s character seeing the play live is a strong hint. But also, the story questions our understanding of history and how it was told to us in school by the use of the vampire metaphor. Perhaps in some way the vampire epidemic represents the toxic beliefs that permeate this country’s systemic misuse of power? As the story progresses, the  lines are drawn straight and connections are revealed. It will be interesting to see if the negative impacts are solely due to power differential represented by the epidemic or other societal ills. 

The art is dark, intentional, with dark lines and muddy colors. The tone of the book fits the murky nature of the plot. Scenes in the present are bloody and messy. The historical scenes are colored in aged, light brown, and filled with shadows.  The messaging of the book is supported by the way its portrayed visually: History is full of bloody, muddy, and dark events. I am thoroughly enjoying this book and wait in eager anticipation of the next issue to see how these narrative will be further explored. Overall 9/10 


I am a licensed clinical social worker and trauma therapist. Comic book heroes have been a passion of mine since I was a small child. However, making the weekly trip to the local comic book store to redeem my pull list has become a regular occurrence only…

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