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Dark Knights: Metal #5 Review

Writer: Scott Snyder

Pencils: Greg Capullo

Inks: Jonathan Glapion

Colors: FCO Plascencia

Letters: Steve Wands

Since it started Dark Knights: Metal has been building, issue after issue has ramped up the tension and added depth to the overall story. I keep waiting for the turn, for the payoff, for the moment when all the building reaches a wonderful crescendo and the tides finally turn. I assumed that Dark Knights: Metal #5 was going to be this moment as it is the penultimate issue of this wonderful event. It was not. Rather Snyder and Capullo are still in the construction phase of their event and craft another wonderfully enjoyable issue.

Wonder Woman vs. Black Adam= Awesome

Dark Knights: Metal #5 sees the Justice League and their assorted allies spread across the multiverse still seeking the various Metals of DC history that will hopefully give them the advantage over Barbatos, Lord of the Dark Multiverse who is attempting to destroy earth. Just like the classic Justice League and Justice Society stories of the past the larger team has split into small groups and are searching for the Metals needed to win. Aquaman and Deathstroke have traveled through the depths of Atlantis to the center of the world as Green Lantern, Mr. Terrific, and Plastic Man have found themselves aided by an old friend on Thangar all while Wonder Woman finds herself throwing down with Black Adam in the Rock of Eternity. Each of these stories are enjoyable but the Wonder Woman segments are by far the most enjoyable.

the World’s Finest trapped at the Forge of Worlds

While the Justice League scrambles to procure the special metals of the DC universe the World’s Finest, Batman and Superman, are trapped at the Forge of Worlds trying to provide a spark, a simple belief of Hope to spark the Forge back to life. Standing in their way the former Hawkman and now Hawk God Carter Hall and the Batman who laughs with several of his alternate Dark Batmen. Down and out sums up their predicament but surprisingly in this event its Batman who has hope. It’s Batman who sees the light. But are they in time? That’s a question for the finale of the event.

I really enjoyed Dark Knights: Metal #5 but I’m not sure how one more issue is going to wrap up this massive undertaking. For as big as Dark Knights: Metal has become, with the core series and all of the ancillary specials and tie-ins, I think that it could use a couple of extra issues. I don’t say this out of disappointment but rather what Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have undertaken is so ambitious that a couple more issues of the core series would be a wonderful addition, especially if they are of the same quality as this issue. I’ve really enjoyed Dark Knights: Metal and have high hopes for the finale but would love to see Snyder and Capullo spend a little more time in the Dark Multiverse.

Verdict: Dark Knights: Metal #5 continues to impress as this excellent event roars toward its conclusion. I can’t wait for the conclusion but in the meantime this issue will not disappoint and is a Buy for me.

John Burkle holds a BA in Political Science and a MA in Education. He spends his day teaching Politics and Government as well passing on a love of comics to the next generation. When not teaching he reads as many comics as he can, both current and…

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