Archie ComicsComicsReviews

Jughead the Hunger #1

Jughead the Hunger #1 Review

Story by Frank Tieri

Art by Pat & Tim Kennedy

Colours by Matt Herms

Inks by Bob Smith and Jim Amash

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

If you have not read the one-shot preceding this start of the series, do not worry- I recommend the issue, but it is not necessary to enjoy this else world Archie tale. All you really need to know that Jughead is a werewolf and Betty comes from a lineage of werewolf hunters- simple enough, right?

We open this issue with us visiting a beat-up Reggie in a hospital who seems to be recovering from an attack. This leads into a story that encompasses all the major players in the Archie universe, where we find Jughead who has literally run away with the circus and Betty and Archie going on a road trip to find him. The story is predictable, at the best of times, with the twists being seen from at least a mile away; but it is a fun comic or at least a fun premise. So, I am willing to see where Tieri and company take this idea in future issues.

Pat and Tim Kennedy’s art, whilst at times overly simplistic with faces that at times depicted almost painfully weird and whimsical; does well to mesh the Archie wholesome style with horror elements. Herms muted colours help emphasise and contrast the striking red when attacks occur to bring out the macabre nature of dismemberment by a werewolf.


Pass. There are a lot of great comics coming out right now, so if you are looking for just a fun comic this is worth a shot, but it is not a must get even with such a great premise.


Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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