
Saucer State #1 Review

Saucer State 1 CoverSaucer State #1 Review by Jason Kahler

Written by Paul Cornell

Art from Ryan Kelly

Colors by Adam Guzowski

Letters from Simon Bowland

Maybe I’m a grump these days, because Saucer State should be a book I like. The source material–X-Files and West Wing and any number of alien-centric gadget pop culture tidbits mixed with political banter–is right in my wheelhouse. The equation of these elements doesn’t balance for me in this first issue, however.

Saucer State continues the story of Saucer Country, making the move from Vertigo to IDW along the way. It’s a good point in the story for the move because Arcadia Alvarado has just won the presidency.

She’s also an alien abductee. And you know all the probing the little grey men have been rumored to do? Yeah, they still do that.

(How much is left to learn after all those years of probing?)

While I find the premise interesting and provocative, the writing is clunky and the characters’ voices blend into a mishmash of subtext and secrets. Everyone’s got a scheme. It’s Scandal meets The Outer Limits. But no one says what they mean or want, and the characters aren’t interesting enough for me to find them compelling yet.

As for evidence of the clunkiness I mentioned, I offer exhibit A: The president’s ex-husband is seeing space fairies who say things like “You’re aware you’re in an altered state of consciousness now, am I right?”

Of course. That’s why the space fairy is eating my cake.

Saucer Country was nominated for a Hugo Award (but lost to Saga, which is nothing to be sad about), so patience could be rewarded over time.

This issue feels like unfulfilled promise right now.


Pass, for me right now. This might be a good tradewait book, especially if you were a fan of the first series.



Jason Kahler is a writer and scholar who lives in Michigan. His latest work is forthcoming in the book "How to Read and Analyze Comics" from SequArt. His poem, "After National Geographic," will soon appear in an issue of Analog…

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