
Bullseye #1

Bullseye #1 Review

Written by Ed Brisson and Marv Wolfman

Art by Guillermo and Alec Morgan

Colours by and Frank Martin

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

I know that Brisson can write dark sadistic tales from such comics as ‘Sheltered’, but, for me, his Bullseye struck more notes of the Bullseye captured in the 2003 Daredevil film than a crazed killer about whom we should be disgusted to read.

The comic is split into two stories; the first by Brisson is a set up for Bullseye to go and fight the entire Columbian drug cartel. That does not mean that people don’t die in this issue  – plenty do, especially by paperclips. However, this Bullseye is such a chatterbox and makes so many funny remarks and comments that it detracts from the gritty tone the comic could have and the kills themselves make the whole comic feel like a discount Deadpool comic rather than a Bullseye issue. The story in itself is not complex at all and I fail to see how there are any stakes or real challenge for Bullseye ahead in this miniseries.

The second story by Marv Wolfman balances the humour much better so it does not overpower the dialogue, but makes Bullseye seem more twisted. This story is just a simple mission that Bullseye has been given and it goes violent as quickly you would expect.

The art for the first story channels a more shaded and gritty version of David Aja’s art style, which is pleasant enough, but only heightens the slightly whimsical nature of what seems to be Bullseye on spring break. For the second story by Alec Morgan, the art has a slight cartoon style, but it aides the heightened violence in the story.


Pass. There are two stories in this comic, but both are so paint-by- numbers and Bullseye is so talkative that this comic often falls flat and rings false. This is a $4.99 comic and whilst there are more pages, it is not worth picking up, especially for this price.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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