As the year comes to a close, and holiday wish lists slide into your inbox, there are always comics to recommend. I’ve put together a list of what you should be reading, or at least checking out. It’s divided into single issues and trades due to the fact that the Big Two seem to take their time getting those trades out to us. I’m still expanding my comic tastes, so the list mainly consist of Marvel, DC, and Image titles. There are a few things on here that I’ve read and loved, and some that I am aware of and always wanted to read, and some I’ve even bought, but have not read (yet). There are still a couple of weeks left in 2016 after all.
Single Issues:
Wonder Woman (DC)
Wonder Woman is in the top tier of the new DC Rebirth titles. It’s been a rotating storyline, with rotating artists. “Year One” and “The Lies” (with Liam Sharp) have both been solid reads. If you’re a fan of the Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott combination, you’ll surely enjoy “Year One.”

Superman (DC)
This is another title from DC that has been a joy to read. It focuses on Superman and his son, who does in fact go by Superboy. It’s a great family-focused comic so far and it’s one that is always giving you something to look forward to. Peter J. Tomasi and Doug Mahnke have done the majority of the legwork for this series.
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Brian Michael Bendis has resurrected his beloved Jessica Jones in her own book. He also brought back Michael Gaydos for it. A few issues in and it’s focused on her life as a PI and being away from her daughter, who she had with Luke Cage. It’s safe to say that if you’re a fan of Alias, you should be reading this.
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (Marvel)
Doctor Aphra is the most recent addition to the Star Wars comics from Marvel. She’s a character we meet in Darth Vader and even if it’s just one issue in, she can hold her own in a solo title. She’s a new character to delve into and she’s clearly become part of the canon timeline. Dive in and get excited for a new Star Wars character. Kieron Gillen and Kev Walker take the reigns for this new series.
Moonshine (Image)
Moonshine is brought to us by Image. Is one of a handful new titles from them. If you’re looking for something that’s a bit off the beaten path to check out, look no further. Plus, the team up of Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso should be reason enough to give this one a shot.
Cannibal (Image)
Cannibal is another Image title that takes you on quite a trip. Not to mention that the title is pretty self-explanatory. Brian Buccellato, Jennifer Young, and Matias Bergara take the lead on this title. Citizens of a nice little town are just trying to live out their lives while a cannibal pandemic rolls on through.
The Black Monday Murders (Image)
Okay, so Image has been on a roll if you’re looking for something different to check out. After reading the first issue of this, I immediately wanted to find out more. But be forewarned, that first issue is a huge one. It packs in a lot of story. This is one that feels like close attention needs to be paid at all times. If you’ve already check out Jonathan Hickman’s work before, add this to your list. He does a great job with Tomm Coker.
Trades (Amazon links included):

Paper Girls (Image)
As someone who is more of a trade paperback person, this is where most of my recommendations come. Paper Girls is a great one to start off with especially if you are a huge fan of Stranger Things. You will absolutely get a similar vibe from that. I read the first trade prior to the show, but with the second one out now, I just had to keep going with it. Brian K. Vaughan knows how to tell a story and Cliff Chiang was a great artistic choice.
Saga (Image)
You probably can’t go too wrong with recommending this one. It’s quite a few trades in, but well worth it. Even if you think it might not be your thing (like I did), give it a shot. It’s full of surprises and will bring you a story you just might not be able to put down. So here we are with another Brian K. Vaughan story, this time with Fiona Staples on art.
Vision (Marvel)
Tom King’s Vision is very different from what we typically see at Marvel. But not in a bad way. It might take a few issues to get into it, but that makes this first trade the best way to get into it.
Star Wars/Darth Vader (Marvel)
I’m lumping these two together simply because they both should be read. There’s even a crossover event that is well worth your time. Star Wars has a lot going on right now and the comics are better than expected.
Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel)
If you aren’t reading anything from Ta-Nehisi Coates right now, this is your chance. He’s a brilliant writer outside of comics and brought his talents to Black Panther. Some may not be happy with too many new Marvel titles, but this one has something to say and everyone should give it a chance.
The Omega Men (DC Comics)
Here’s one of the ones I’ve bought but have yet to read. My recommending this is simply based on the good things I’ve heard about it. It’s another Tom King title, but with DC instead of Marvel. He’s becoming one of those writer’s where it’s almost a given that someone will recommend something of his to you.
Dark Night: A True Batman Story (DC/Vertigo)
This is in fact a true story and it’s all about Paul Dini. His name should look familiar to all of you DC fans. This is hands down one of my favorites of the year and if you haven’t given it a read yet, read my next selection and go do that immediately. It’s one powerful story.
March (Top Shelf)
The last recommendation is the one I have not read, do not own, but am well aware of. I’ve seen it in libraries and heard all about it on the various comic book websites. If you want to read something that really makes a statement, even more than Black Panther, then March is the book for you. You can thank Top Shelf for releasing this one.