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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 09/28/16

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 09/28/16

Hey, thanks for checking out Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week!

You’ve got to admit, New Comic Book Release Day is pretty much the best day of the week. It’s the day we’re introduced to new worlds, are able to witness the next chapter in a continuing saga, or fall in love with a character or creator for the first time. I could go on and on, but I think you’ve already gotten my point. That point being … comics are awesome. So awesome in fact that even the covers of them are often times incredible works of art. We’re here to show you some of our favorite covers each week! So go ahead and take a few moments for yourself (haven’t you earned it?) and feast your eyes on some truly inspired comic book covers!


Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Wonder Woman #7

Written by Greg Rucka

Art by Liam Sharp

Cover Art by Frank Cho


Diana is looking rather stately on this beautiful cover, don’t you think? I love that she can look both regal and determined to kick your ass at the same time.

Hunt #3

Written by Colin Lorimer

Art by Colin Lorimer – Joana LaFuente

Cover Art by Colin Lorimer


Wow! This cover is totally reminding me of a short story I once wrote called Theodora and the House of 1,000 Doors. Looking back, it was very much a Locke & Key meets Clive Barker’s The Thief of Always.

Lake of Fire #2

Written by Nathan Fairbairn

Art by Matt Smith – Nathan Fairbairn

Cover Art by Yanick Paquette – Nathan Fairbairn


Not only is this a beautiful cover, it makes me think of this little number …

Saga #38

Written by Briank K. Vaughan

Art and Cover by Fiona Staples


Aww, I miss my nieces. I need to give them a call.

Wayward #16

Written by Jim Zub

Art by Steven Cummings – Tamra Bonvillain

Cover Art by Kamome Shirahama


I am seriously enjoying Kamome Shirahama’s style and the star-like formation of the characters. This series has continuously delivered in covers that draw the eye.

Ultimates #11

Written by Al Ewing

Art by Kenneth Rocafort

Incentive Cosplay Variant Cover


“Baby, I’ve eaten my way through galaxies to get to you. And sugah, I’m here to offer you the world, ya dig?”

Josie and the Pussycats #1

Written by Marguerite Bennett – Cameron Deordio

Art by Audrey Mok

Cover Art by … okay, here’s the deal, folks. There are so many amazing covers for this comic that I couldn’t choose just one. So, I present to you some of my, and what I assume will be Mr. Bob Reyer’s favorites of the bunch. Enjoy!


Gisele Lagace – Shouri Cover


Francesco Francavilla


Veronica Fish


Marguerite Sauvage


Colleen Coover


Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Before I begin, I would have selected at least two of the new Josie & the Pussycats covers, but I didn’t know which ones Steve would pick, so figuring music is his bailiwick, I left the choice to his good offices!–rrr


Writer: Hope Larson
Artist/Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


A dynamic “camera angle” really sets this cover by Mr. Albuquerque in motion!

SPIDER-GWEN #12 (Marvel)

Writer: Jason Latour
Artist/Cover: Robbi Rodriguez


Same sort of look here, with the same dramatic effect!


Writer: Sholly Fisch
Artist/Cover: Dario Brizuela


I’ve selected a lot of “cat covers’ over the months, so it’s time to even things up! (I wonder how many times Krypto and Ace, the Bat-Hound have shared a cover?)


Writer: Kathryn Immonen; Robbie Thompson
Artist: Leonardo Romero
Cover: W. Scott Forbes


It looks as if Stephen’s old flame Clea is a bit peeved, doesn’t it?


Writer: Amy Reeder; Brandon Montclare
Artist: Natacha Bustos
Cover: Amy Reeder


C’mon all of you folks who haven’t yet sampled the wonderful MG & DD, with a cover this charming, you know that you want to buy this issue!

To close on a political note, what with the first U.S. Presidential “debate” having just taken place…


Writer: S.A. Check
Artist: Brendon Fraim; Brian Fraim


Considering the quality of the two major party candidates in this year’s election, how about a write-in vote for one who will “Make America Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk Again”!

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack

By now you know about one of my favorite bands, Rituals of Mine (FKA Sister Crayon). Well, they’ve dropped a brand-new video for their single “Ride or Die” and it is really something special. Diversity, representation, inclusion – these things matter.

That’s all, folks! Join us next week for another round of covers and an avalanche of incredible cover art!

This is a column featuring Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 09/28/16 as chosen by Steve Seigh and Bob Reyer of Talking Comics.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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