Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!
Then, check back here on Thursday and Friday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!
New Comic Book Day – June 22nd, 2016
This week’s contributors:
- Huw Parry (@H_paz)
- Steve Seigh (@dead_anchoress)
- Angela Fowler (@angelcakes83)
- Dr. Mara Wood (@MegaMaraMon)
- Bob Reyer (
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)

Archie #9 – By Mark Waid & Veronica Fish
- The Archie reboot has kept up an insane amount of quality, and it isn’t surprising with the insane amount of talent on this title. Currently, Archie and Veronica are having to carry on their relationship, but outside of the halls of luxury, from which Archie is banned. I expect the next issue will be a delightful fish out of water romp for Veronica, though I fear for the Andrews and their collective sanity! -Angela
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4 – By Kyle Higgins and Hendry Prasetya

- The Rangers finally know about the hallucinations that have been haunting Tommy (seriously, Tommy, TELL someone when you’re seeing things, doofus), so now the action will probably shift into turbo (no… that’s a later series). If you’ve read my previous reviews, you know I’m a huge fan of this series, particularly for the fantastic writing and characterization. Here’s hoping it keeps getting better from here. -Angela

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #28 – By Christos Gage & Rebekah Isaacs
- If you haven’t been reading the Buffy comics, they are well worth the read. Considered “canon” and springing from the series, Season 8 gave us Buffy as a near-cosmic general of slayers, Season 9 gave us a world without magic, and Season 10 gave us world where Buffy and her friends were in charge of creating the rules for the brand-new magic. I’ve got to say that Season 10 has been my favorite, with Buffy’s struggling mirroring the struggles of a young adult trying to make new rules for herself and her life. The season is coming to an end soon, and it’s been worth the ride. -Angela
Detective Comics #935 – By James Tynion IV with Art by Eddy Barrows

- After the stellar debut of Detective Comics Rebirth #1, I am ready to jump into this title with both feet, head first. Now that the team is assembled, we can start gathering clues as to just how Jason Todd … I mean, our mystery villain is involved. Also, my curiosity is high for the ways in which the team will work beside long-time Bat-villain, Clayface. My suspicion is that not everyone on the team will share Batman’s optimism for giving the big guy a shot at becoming a hero. – Steve
- This book is shaping up very nicely and I’m pretty stoked to see how things play out now that all the pieces of Team Batman & Batwoman are in place. How will their dynamic work, will Clayface be able to redeem himself, can Red Robin remember the formula for Bat Shark Repellant?! The tone of the previous issue was incredibly refreshing, if it carries on in that vein then it’s going to be something really special! – Huw
Flash #1 – By Joshua Williamson & Carmine Di Giandomenico
- I’m curious to find out whether this book will continue to address the overarching Rebirth story and if Wally has any more part to play as the solicits are a little vague in that respect. Promising the arrival of a new speedster, I’m looking forward to my first stint reading a Flash comic issue-to-issue. I really enjoyed the Rebirth issue so fingers crossed that carries on. – Huw
Wonder Woman #1 – By Greg Rucka & Liam Sharp

- Rucka’s Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 certainly did a lot to restore my faith in DC’s willingness to right the wrongs done to this character in recent years past. I might not have read the entirety of the DC New 52, but one thing was certain – if I wanted my ideal Wonder Woman, I needed to go to titles like Renee De Liz’s Legends of Wonder Woman to find her. Here’s hoping that Rucka and his team continues to deliver the goods – as I’m sure they will! – Steve
- WONDER WOMAN *spins around….nope, still no outfit* This looks like being a really exciting time to get into a Wonder Woman title. I think it’s fair to say nobody felt the hype around Rucka’s return to the book was misplaced after the Rebirth issue. Seeing Diana untangle the web of lies that her history has become is a really intriguing prospect and I’m expecting it to be enthralling stuff. – Huw
- I can’t believe I get to read new Rucka Wonder Woman stories, especially since they are paired with Nicola Scott and Liam Sharp. There seems to be a certain reverence for the character from this team, and I am putting all my faith in their hands. She’s a great character that deserves this A-Team. – Mara
Bitch Planet #8 – By Kelly Sue DeConnick & Valentine De Landro

- A major reveal was teased in the last issue (I’m being coy, because it’s been a while since the #7, so I’m assuming that a lot of us will be going back to check!), so although this series is usually one of the last books I’ll read in the stack (I save the best for last!), I’m thinking that I need to get right to it!–Bob
- Can I say just how EXCITED I am to see BP back on the shelves?! This is SUCH a good book, with very little to compare to it anywhere else. Guys. This is one to collect. -Angela

Pretty Deadly #10 – By Kelly Sue DeConnick & Emma Rios
- This issue concludes the World War I arc, and I’m sure that it will be emotional, and in some unexpected ways, based on all that has come before. With this series, Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios have presented a challenging yet lyrical body of work that stands apart from everything on the news-stand, and is always worth the time to read and re-read.–Bob
She Wolf #1 – By Rich Tomasso

- Putting aside the “surreal exploration in horror” promised in the solicits, She Wolf looks to be one of the most visually engaging and intriguing comics hitting the stands this week. Tomasso’s underground pop aesthetics looks astounding, and I’m excited to see how it merges with the pyschological terror of a werewolf story. Check it! – Joey

Ms. Marvel #8 – By G. Willow Wilson & Takeshi Miyagawa
- I am so conflicted about this. It’s a tie-in to Civil War II. On the one hand, I don’t get involved in events, especially an event that I didn’t want to happen. The solicits mention an “idol tarnished,” and I’m pretty sure that’s going to be Captain Marvel. On the other hand, it’s Ms. Marvel with G. Willow writing. It’s going to be good, even with being coopted by an event. Seriously, can’t Kamala take this event off and just write fanfiction? Just several issues of Kamala’s fanfiction drawn by different artists a la Gotham Academy Yearbook? Just saying: that would be pretty rad. -Angela
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Adaptation – By Chuck Wendig & Luke Ross

- It’s a comic adaptation of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, do I really need to explain why I’m really this?! Okay, I will!
- I’m very interested to see how this’ll play out in comic book form, set to be a 5 issue mini-series, I’m not quite sure how they’ll fit it all in and what changes might be made to streamline the story to shoehorn it in. Sometimes these adaptations are great, other times they’re quite the opposite and I’m most certainly hoping for the former. – Huw
- I buy all the Star Wars comics. My question is…will they include stuff from the novelization, like the subtleties of Rey’s Force powers and the interactions with Leia and her ambassador to the Senate?! Will they show Poe getting off Jakku!? Only time will tell. – Mara
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!