
A Ranking of Current TV Superhero Costumes

The rise of the superhero is upon us and we are being thrown movies, animated shows, and live action TV shows. It’s a really good time to be a geek.

There isn’t much to say about the shows that the rest of the geeks out there aren’t already saying so let’s instead take this time to talk costumes. Here’s a list ranking the worst costumes on superhero TV (including Netflix) to the best.


Daredevil is at the back of this list due to the fact that he’s in a black ninja garb for the majority of the first season. We don’t get the BIG REVEAL of his new costume until the very end of the season so maybe Matt Murdoch will make the cut next year.


Peggy Carter

I love Peggy. A lot. Her signature blue outfit with red fedora is pretty freaking rad (very few can pull that off) but it’s not so much a costume as a style choice that mostly only appears on the poster. Thus why Peggy is way at the back. Let’s not forget that she’s hella awesome though.


John Constantine

Constantine may have been cancelled and the show definitely had mixed reviews but the costume that Matt Ryan is outfitted in looks like it’s straight out of the comic books.



Oliver Queen’s signature green Robin Hood-esque costume has evolved over the seasons, as it should. The costume that we have now is pretty fantastic and once again, straight out of the comics… more or less. Some parts of it are completely impractical (umm hello, you’re OBVIOUSLY Oliver Queen…) but hey, suspense of disbelief and stuff, right?



Barry Allen has charmed fans and critics alike since day one. He made his debut on Arrow but wasn’t meta-powered until the show itself launched. Sort of. That being said, Allen’s posse behind-the-scenes got the costume right immediately. It’s amazing and Grant Gustin makes it look extra good.



Melissa Benoist stars as Kara Danvers aka Supergirl. The show is only 7-episodes in so far and like Grant Gustin in The Flash, Benoist has charmed us all. The women of the superhero world tend to get the short end of the stick and their costumes are either awful (we’re talking to you, makers of the Wonder Woman TV show starring Adrianne Palicki) or skimpy. The creators of Supergirl got this costume soooooo right and we couldn’t be happier.


Which superhero costume is YOUR favourite?

Stephanie is [obviously] a comic book fan, but she also considers herself an avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, board games fan (although she doesn’t find nearly enough time for them…) and being snarky. Oh, and Twitter. Twitter’s a hobby, right?…

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