FeaturedPodcastTalking Games

Talking Games Episode #36: What Wii Are Thankful For

Talking Games Episode #36: What Wii Are Thankful For

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Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody! This week, Steve asks Jacqui and Justin to gather around the proverbial turkey to talk some video games! You’ll get to hear the harrowing tale of how Justin (finally) achieved his goal, in Destiny, by reaching level 30! Next, Jacqui contemplates her own moral judgement while exploring and hunting animals in Kyrat ahile playing Far Cry 4. And finally, Steve shares his thoughts on several games that have flooded the market this November such as: Never Alone, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and more! Additionally, we share with all of you some of our fondest memories while playing with the Nintendo Wii and Wii U consoles. That’s a full plate. huh? Still got time for dessert? We hope so, because toward the end of the show we also announce our list of categories for our upcoming 2014 Video Game Awards Specials! Gobble gobble!


Follow us on  Twitter!

Steve: @dead_anchoress
Jacqui: @jacquiturner
Justin: @joroak
Rob: @Dusk1020
Bobby: @bobbyshortle



Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on Joblo.com, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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