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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 07/17/13


Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 07/17/13/

Hello and welcome to the revised edition of Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! It used to be that every week our Executive Editor Steve Seigh would showcase his favorite comic book covers of the week and then you could all go about your day. Well no more! From this point forward Steve won’t be the only one displaying the covers that caught his fancy. As of today, and for the foreseeable future, you’ll be viewing selections not only from Steve, but from other site staff and fans alike!

If you’d like to contribute to this column all you need to do is send Steve an email at, telling him the title of the issue with the cover that you dig, as well as a brief description of why you’re grooving on that particular cover. We’ll try to include as many selections as possible and hope that you enjoy seeing your choices displayed for all of the internet to see.

So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!

– Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –

FF #9

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Joe Quinones
Colors by Laura Allred
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Michael Allred & Laura Allred

In honor of this hot ass Summer season my favorite cover this week features the Future Foundation cutting loose by having some fun in the sun. I can’t even imagine how much fun it would be to travel to the beach with this crew … not to mention getting the chance to see She-Hulk in a bikini! Yowza!– Steve Seigh

What says Summer more than a pool party, unless it’s this fabulous cover by the Allreds! The first time I saw this, I burst out in an ear-to-ear grin! I love how Bentley is being his usual grumpy self, not to mention that I adore the image of Tong in a pink bikini!– Bob Reyer

Batman and Catwoman #22

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, & J. Calafiore
Cover by Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray

This cover is just beautiful. It’s as simple as that. No elaborate explanation necessary. It’s all about the love and black on green colorization.– Steve Seigh

Avengers #16

Story by Jonathan Hickman & Nick Spencer
Art by Stefano Caselli
Cover by Leinil Yu & Daniel Acuna

Hulk is reminding me that if I don’t pick up Avengers and get caught up that he’ll very likely come to my house and beat my ass down. I love the darkness of this cover. I would seriously not want to mess around with The Hulk on any given day, but especially if he looks to be having a day like the one featured on this cover.– Steve Seigh

100 Bullets: Brother Lono #2

Written by Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso
Cover by Dave Johnson

Women. They’ll drive you crazy. Am I right? Eh? Ha ha! I keed. I keed. Not really, y’all can be pretty maddening at times. I love you. – Steve Seigh

Red Sonja #1

Story by Gail Simone
Art by Walter Geovani
Cover by Fiona Staples

Red Sonja. Gail Simone. Fiona Staples. Nuff said.– Steve Seigh

– Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –

Fantastic Four #10

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Mark Bagley & Mark Farmer
Colors by Paul Mounts
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Mark Bagley, Mark Farmer, & Paul Mounts

Of course Ben Franklin was a Skrull, how could he have come up with so much stuff! I have my suspicions about Tesla and Edison, too! (and while I’m speculating, and don’t tell anyone that I said this, but as our Stephanie manages to be so many things in so many places…I’m just saying.–hmmm!!) – Bob Reyer

Avengers Assemble #17

Story by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Art by Matteo Buffagni & Pepe Larraz
Colors by Nolan Woodard
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Joe Quinones

As the “Enemy Within” event begins to draw to a close, Carol Danvers’ desire to be a great hero intensifies, as evidenced by her look of grim determination on this “Last Man Standing”cover by Joe Quinones.– Bob Reyer

Batman ’66 #1

Written by Jeff Parker
Art by Jonathan Case
Cover by Mike Allred & Jonathan Case

I will refrain from making any “Holy…” jokes, but this cover by the Allreds does put me in a nostalgic frame of mind. What great likenesses of the heroes and villains; it’s as if I’m 10-years-old again, spread out on the living room floor in front of our B&W Motorola!– Bob Reyer

Red Sonja #1

Cover art by Stephanie Buscema

Despite all the fine artists contributing covers to this first issue, I’m craving this playful one by Stephanie Buscema! I don’t know if I’ll be able to snag one of these, but I’ll be in there pitching!– Bob Reyer

– Mara Whiteside’s Favorite Comic Book Cover of the Week –

Uncanny X-Force #8

Story by Sam Humphries
Art by Dalibor Talajic & Adrian Alphona
Cover by Kris Anka

This one really stood out to me, especially since we recently discovered which of Fantomex’s selves loves Psylocke. I hope this cover accurately portrays what’s going to happen in this issue.– Mara Whiteside

– Sean Lamont’s Favorite Comic Book Cover of the Week –

Supergirl #22

Written by Michael Alan Nelson
Art by Mahmud Asrar
Cover by Mahmud Asrar

Using a simple yet stylized cover to show Supergirl’s current entanglement with the Cyborg Superman, its sharp angles and stark background really make it stand out in comparison to a lot of its contemporaries this week!” – Sean Lamont

– Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack –

This list was compiled while listening to the album Pipe Dreams by the band Whirr. You can listen to the entire album via the link featured below. Enjoy!


*Remember, if you would like to participate in this column, send your cover selections (please, only one cover per week) to Be sure to have your selections in by midnight of the Monday that corresponds with that week’s releases. Also, please try to keep your selections to books that are being released that week ONLY. Thanks so much and we look forward to sharing your thoughts with all who stop by the Talking Comics website. Cheers! – Steve

This list was compiled by Steve Seigh – Executive Editor of Talking Comics. You can hear Steve on the Talking Comics weekly podcast as well as find him on where he writes a featured, bi-weekly column called Ink & Pixel. His Twitter handle is @dead_anchoress.


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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