
Avengers #9 Review

Avengers 9
Avengers #9

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Dustin Weaver with Mike Deodato

Colors by Justin Ponsor

Review by Adam Shaw


I’ve reviewed a handful of Avengers recently, and my overall opinions of the book haven’t wavered after reading issue #9. I am still digging this book and enjoying each issue that comes out. Although, I’m here to comment on this particular issue, and whether or not you should be buy it. Let me start off by saying that Hickman’s Avengers is the kind of story you either go all-in or you fold. This issue again, for me, is a buy, and I’m predicting all issues from here forward will be buys until it’s time to jump ship altogether.

Hickman peels back a few layers by bringing back Ex Nihilo and showing us some of the ulterior motives behind the world changing seeds that were launched to Earth back in the first arc. Events are continuing to be tied together, but Hickman gives us a much lighter issue this time around. It’s not weighed down with the heavier, more philosophical, cosmic discussions of some previous issues. I liked the heavier story that was being painted, but it’s nice to have some easier to digest issues from time to time. We need a chance to absorb everything that is being laid out, and Hickman gives us some recoup time.

The issue gets pretty action heavy midway through, and we get another glimpse into the incredible power of Star Brand and Nightmask. Ultimately, like many lesser-known characters Hickman has been introducing, by the end of the issue they are shelved for the time-being. We are shown that they are important and definitely will have huge roles to play as events build and unfold. They’re just two more dominos being lined up for the big show; essential pieces that fill in the gaps so all the pieces fall in the right way.

I guess the one big thing that changes often with Avengers is the people on art. That’s what happens when you have books double shipping. I didn’t have any qualms with the art this issue, and I was picking up a real Guardian of the Galaxy vibe from it. That probably stems from Justin Ponsor doing colors for Guardians first issue a few weeks back. I like what he does. Keep up the fine work Mr. Ponsor.

The Verdict

Buy It. Again, if you’ve been reading Avengers and enjoying it, you’ll want to pick up this issue. It’s a reprieve from some of the more intensely “intellectual” issues. People interested in the series might want to check this issue out or jump back an issue or two. It’s a pretty straightforward read this time around.

Adam is the "Valiant Guy" for Talking Comics. He is the host of the Talking Valiant podcast. Adam also has immense knowledge of the old Star Wars expanded universe. He's a high school English teacher by day, and has a Master's degree…

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