ColumnsFavorite Comic Book Covers of the WeekFeatured

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 3/20/13

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 3/20/13

Hello and welcome to the revised edition of Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! It used to be that every week our Executive Editor Steve Seigh would showcase his favorite comic book covers of the week and then you could all go about your day. Well no more! From this point forward Steve won’t be the only one displaying the covers that caught his fancy. As of today, and for the foreseeable future, you’ll be viewing selections not only from Steve, but from other site staff and fans alike!

If you’d like to contribute to this column all you need to do is send Steve an email at, telling him the title of the issue with the cover that you dig, as well as a brief description of why you’re grooving on that particular cover. We’ll try to include as many selections as possible and hope that you enjoy seeing your choices displayed for all of the internet to see.

So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!

Steve Seigh’s Picks

Saga #11

Story by Brian K. Vaughan
Art & Cover by Fiona Staples

Not only was this issue of Saga beautiful in every way, but this cover evokes an avalanche of crippling memories for me about my own father who is no longer here. Sad? Yes. But none the less, I enjoy things that provoke strong emotions within me. Be it excitement, yearning, or otherwise, I engage them all. If you’ve already read this particular issue you will be able to draw the parallels between this cover and the book’s contents. Perhaps then my explanation of my love for this cover will become just a bit clearer.Steve

Stephanie Cooke also fell in love with this cover. I would imagine it’s because of its gorgeous colors and sentimentality toward a great an unforgettable character of the series. – Sentimental Steve

New Avengers #4

Story by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Steve Epting
Cover by Jock, Stephane Roux

Galactus and the New Avengers in the same issue? Um, yes please! Also, it’s another black, red, and white cover. If you follow these posts you’ll know that this particular color combination always ranks very high for me. I can’t wait to read this book. – Steve

“I haven’t seen a cover by Jock on New Avengers that I haven’t loved. It looks gritty yet at the same time remains polished. It just hits all the aesthetics I enjoy.” – Adam

Daredevil #24

Story by Mark Waid
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Javier Rodriguez
Cover by Chris Samnee

We all have days where we feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. I would imagine that The Man Without Fear often feels the same. I really dig this cover. – Steve

The Private Eye #1

Story by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Marcos Martin
Colors by Muntsa Vicente

This cover reminds me of my hay days of watching countless amounts of anime. It’s got a very Ghost in Shell feel to it that takes me back to a time when things were oh so good. – Steve

I’m really enjoying

Revival #8

Story by Tim Seeley
Art by Mike Norton
Cover by Jenny Frison

I absolutely love the colors used for this cover. I like how the blood is seeping into the snow and everything looks generally washed out. It’s beautiful in its macabre nature and makes me want to read this comic as soon as possible. – Steve

Bobby Shortle’s Pick

JSA: Liberty Files: The Whistling Skull #4

Story by B. Clay Moore
Art by Tony Harris
Colors by Dave McCaig
Letters by Wes Abbott
Cover by Tony Harris

“I’m not reading JSA Liberty Files, but I love the detail, the macabre nature and the color pallet of this creepy cover. It’s the kind of evocative image that gets me interested in a book I otherwise have no desire to read and that’s saying something.” – Bobby

Stephanie Cooke’s Pick

All-New X-Men #9

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen, Wade von Grawbadger
Cover by Stuart Immonen

Steph never sends me explanations as to why she loves the covers she chooses. Shame, shame, Cookiepants! I’m just going to assume that she finds this cover super fancy. She’s got great taste. – Sassy Steve

Bob Reyer’s Pick

Captain Marvel #11

Story by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Christopher Sebela
Art by Filipe Andrade
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Cover by Joe Quinones

“At some point we were talking about the building she lives in and how some people would love having her there and some would hate it.  Editor Steve Wacker suggested that someone on the co-op board would want a plaque that says CM lives here, or whatever.  Joe RAN WITH IT.  I think it’s hilarious.” – Kelly Sue DeConnick

“I’ve been loving Filipe Andrade’s stylized work on the interiors over the last few issues, but another great cover by Joe Quinones has me yearning for him to pencil an issue or twelve! Great “old-timey” vibe with the burglar’s get-up, playful, yet powerful pose for Carol…and check the lady hanging out her window keeping up with the neighborhood activity!” – Bob

Melissa Megan’s Pick

Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray

Written by Frank J. Barbiere

Art by Chris Mooneyham

“I find this cover to be retro, creepy, and graphically pleasing.” – Melissa

Talia Adina’s Picks

Wolverine Max #5

Writer: Jason Starr
Artist: Roland Boschi
Cover Artist: Jock

“The image is simple yet beautiful.” – Talia

Batwoman #18

Story by J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman
Art by Trevor McCarthy
Cover by Trevor McCarthy
Variant Cover by Trevor McCarthy

“The fire and ice mke for an awesome combination on this cover.” – Talia

Mara Whiteside’s Pick

Fables #127

Story by Bill Willingham
Art by Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, Andrew Pepoy
Colors by Lee Loughridge
Letters by Todd Klein
Cover by Joao Ruas

I am really digging the Fables #127 cover, probably because I have Fables on the brain lately with the news of Fablescon all over my twitter. The cover artist is Joao Ruas, and his work sets the right tone for the book. Fantasy world shoved within a modern framework, Fables covers have traditionally shown the theme of the issue while incorporating small details from the story. Additionally, they stand out among the other works on the comic book shelf. Beautiful, surreal, serene, Fables #127 gets my vote. – Mara

* Again, if you’d like to participate in this column send your cover selections (please, only one cover per week) to Be sure to have your selections in by midnight of the Monday that corresponds with that week’s releases. Also, please try to keep your selections to books that are being released that week ONLY. Thanks so much and we look forward to sharing your thoughts with all who stop by the Talking Comics website. Cheers! – Steve

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack

This list was compiled while listening to the album Sorry by the band White Lung.






Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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