
Uncanny X-Force #1 Review

Uncanny X-Force #1

Written by Sam Humphries

Pencils by Ron Garney

Inks by Danny Miki

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

Uncanny X-Force #1 starts off with a bang. Psylocke, looking mightily pissed off, has Spiral in a choke hold and is demanding that nobody f@#^%*! move! Welcome to Uncanny X-Force, a team comprised of several X-related misfits, oh, and Ororo. So the deal is that Psylocke, angered by the events of the previous Uncanny X-Force stories, is out for vengeance. Feeling shunned by who she believed to be her friends at the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning, Psylocke, receives a suggested leave of absence from the school, along with an email that promises her answers to her many, burning questions. This issue is all about Psylocke getting those answers, and introducing our new team. 

I liked Uncanny X-Force #1. Though, I feel that perhaps the book might have tried to pack in just a bit too much information into this one issue. As a new reader to the series, I found myself enjoying the book, but ultimately I felt as if I was in the dark on more than one point of contention throughout its pages. Psylocke’s foul language, temper, and blood lust takes center stage and defines her as the central character of this particular issue. But only with the exception of Storm (who is already well established through other means) did I feel like I had any idea as to who any of the other characters were inside of this issue. 

But let’s move on. Because even with that said, there is plenty to enjoy about Uncanny X-Force #1. Sam Humphries , as evidenced by his handling of Psylocke, knows how to write an imposing character. And given the nature of the team I’m sure that we can expect more savagery and emotional conflict from each of its members in the issues to come. You see, the deal is this. The Diva of Downtown Los Angeles, Spiral, is selling drugs through a popular dance club inside the city. These drugs, aside giving their users an overwhelming sense of euphoria, make the user part of a “hive mind” mentality when taken in access. It’s up to Psylocke, Ororo, and a dwarf named Puck to seize her stash and give the victims back their lives. I don’t know about you but I think that sounds pretty cool.

What’s more is that Uncanny X-Force #1 has got a great art team. Each character looks stylish and sleek while the inks pop right off the page with vibrancy and personality. Ron Garney looks to be taking a very classic approach to the look of the characters and environments, while still displaying a flare to give both something new. Oh, and I wanted to make sure I included this. Danny Miki‘s use of color inside of the club where Spiral does her business was quite awesome.  I really appreciated the multi-color strobe effects as he moved the action from panel to panel. 


Buy it, but beware! Because while Uncanny X-Force #1 will have pulled me in for another issue, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m at a disadvantage not having read the previous series. And that’s the thing. I find it difficult to fully enjoy a #1 comic if it doesn’t feel like a true #1. For me, a #1 should start fresh and invites any and all readers into its story. The sense that I get from this book is that it is relying heavily on events that happened before it, that this is an aftermath. I find that this puts readers, like me, at a disadvantage where there should be none. However, even with that said, I will be looking forward to more from this series in the coming months. It’s my hope that the book will remain entertaining and perhaps fill in so of those gaps in story that are so obviously a part of the bigger picture. 

* This review was written while listening to the album Hallelujah! Don’t Bend, Ascend! by the band Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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