
Editorial: Why I Read Comic Books

Why I Read Comic Books

Written by Steve Seigh

It’s my belief that comic books are magic. When I read an amazing comic book, something switches on inside my brain, and allows my third eye to burst wide open. The art and words come together and dance with one another. Suddenly, the panels begin to sync with the moments inside the story so well that they become animated. With the images, words, and vibe of the book all working in concert with one another it all becomes clear … this is happening.

All that you experience resides inside of your own mind. Therefore, anything that happens within it, that you believe, suddenly becomes very real. You are your heroes. You are the one holding an outstretched arm of rage and suffering over a thriving metropolis full of innocents. Comic books allow you to transform yourself. You can escape. You can become anyone, or do anything you want because your imagination demands it. You want to be Batman? Guess what? You are Batman! Well, for at least for 26 pages or so before you’ve got to lose the voice and cowl.

I read comic books because I want to read and write about something that I am passionate about. I read them because I want to save the day. Comic books sometimes baffle me as their grandeur splays out before my eyes and punches my brain in it’s face. These comics are the imaginations of talented individuals from around the world made tangible by ink and paper. To ignore this medium of entertainment would be a blight on your very right as a human being born with the ability to imagine.

The late Bill Hicks once said that, “We’re a spinal cord with shoes.” And he’s right. But for as many pages as we can consume in our comic reading schedule … we can be so much more.

That’s why I read comic books. 

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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