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Review: Wonder Woman #2

Wonder Woman #2

Title: Home

Written by Brian Azzarello

Art by Cliff Chiang

Colors by Matthew Wilson

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

After reading this months issue of Wonder Woman, I can say with full confidence that I’m a fan of this series. Building much off of the first issue (#1 was decent but has left me wanting more) we get much more of the foundation for what looks to be a great story arc. Wonder Woman has returned home to her fellow amazons and is in need of shelter and answers, only to find that she’s been followed by a wrathful woman by the name of Strife. With Zola (the human woman from the first issue pregnant with Zeus’ unborn child) close at her side, Wonder Woman must protect her people as well as the unborn child.

A lot of things are done right in issue #2 of Wonder Woman. Not only do we get the story or Wonder Woman’s origins but we’re also given a new location which serves as the set piece for some great action. I absolutely love that the story of Wonder Woman is steeped in Greek Mythology and that Brian Azzarello seems to be pulling from a number of stories within that world to tell this harrowing tale of protection and mystery. Another strong female hero within the DC Universe, Wonder Woman is smart, powerful, and loyal to her heritage and purpose inside the hero world. Strife adds a nice bit of flavor to an already threatening cast of villains and things seem to only be getting worse (or better) for Wonder Woman and her quest to protect Zola from harm.


You will absolutely need to pick up Issue #1 if you are to follow the events of this book.


Buy it – There are some major events brewing here and an ocean of wonderful characters that have yet to show their stuff. This looks to be a really great continuation for Wonder Woman. Much better than Issue #1 in my humble opinion, even though the two go hand in hand.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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