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Review: Batwoman #2

Batwoman #2

Title: Hydrology Part 2: Inflitration

Co-Writer & Art by J.H. Williams III

Co-Written by W. Haden Blackman

Colors by Dave Stewart

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

I love Batwoman! Really, and I’m not just some fan boy lusting after her skin-tight outfit and sharp tongue. Batwoman is a force to be reckoned with and she furthers that fact in this next book. In this book we get a lot of interesting elements thrown our way as we investigate further into the case of the Weeping Woman. It seems that no matter how deeply our protagonists search into the underbelly of Gotham that little can be found to expedite bringing the ones responsible to justice.  Chock full of beautiful artwork, colors, and whip smart dialogue between our characters this story is really beginning to take off.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect to this book is the side-plot of the Batman showing up periodically in the hopes of recruiting Batmwoman into some sort of Bat-Alliance. Aside from this interesting and quite promising bit the book is otherwise filled with bone breaking battle scenes, lessons learned, and the furthering of our characters, almost of which are all female. This is totally an empowerment book if I’d be so bold as to call it that. I can’t help but get a sense that Batwoman truly is what a female bad ass is supposed to be. Cold and calculated like her pointy eared counterpart, but feminine and light of heart when her mask is off. It’s the perfect mix. The final page really begs several questions that I can’t wait to find out the answers to in the coming issues. This still remains my favorite of the New 52 series.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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