DC ComicsReviews

Review: Action Comics #1

Action Comics #1

Written by Grant Morrison

Pencils by Rags Morales

Inks by Rick Bryant

If Justice League is DCʼs version of a big budget tent pole comic book then Action Comics is…well…the other big budget tent-pole action version of a comic book. Brought to you by writing legend Grant Morrison and superstar penciler Rags Morales Action Comics #1 is an all new beginning for Superman. It takes guts, or possibly a pending lawsuit, to take the most famous comic book character ever and start him from day dot. (Well, six months from day dot but whose counting)

Morrisonʼs young Superman is less boy scout and more a crusader for justice with a chip on his overly strong shoulders. Overlook the blue jeans and -shirt and there is a bitterness, violence and cockiness that Iʼve never seen in the character before. This serves to paint him a much more diverse figure. On a side note, I canʼt remember a time when Superman wasnʼt “friend to the world” but here he has to fight off army tanks…TANKS! So cool! The introduction to his other life, as investigative crusading journalist Clark Kent, is right on target as is the introductions of Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor.


Like all good stories we start at the beginning. This Superman canʼt fly, has never met

Lex Luthor and has no knowledge of other heroes or villains. Very new reader friendly.


Buy It – Even if you donʼt dig Superman get it for the clever engaging writing, the sweet

Superman on tank action and kick ass art.

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at http://vimeo.com/bobbyshortle and talking…

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