The TALKING COMICS Review Round-Up
Every week, the Talking Comics collective posts a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. Check back here to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!! Click the links to go to full reviews and reflections!!!
Also, check out our weekly Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week column for more coverage of last week’s new books!
This week’s contributors:
- Jesse Bowden (@JesseBowden)
- Huw Parry (@h_paz)
- Deanna Chapman (@deeechap)
- John Dubrawa (@thisjohnd)
- Bob Reyer (
- Steve Seigh (@dead_anchoress)
- Max Mallet (@globetrottermax)
- Nathan Ryan (@Clown_Prince52)
- Kelsey Hlavaty (@kelssamus)
- Vivek Kembaiyan (@just_Vivek)
- Hernan Guarderas (@hguarderas93)
- Lorna Maltman (
- Nate Mondschein (@33andMoonshine)
- Greg Brothers (@popculturegeek3)
- Matthew Iung (@iceo1000)
- Miguel Canales-Holler (@Beefsandwich28)
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – November 2nd, 2016
Catwoman ELECTION NIGHT #1 – Meredith Finch & Mark Russell and Ben Caldwell
- Buy! The creative team gives us a nice vignette of Selina’s past, and tells a compelling story where she’s more hero than anti-hero. Not to mention, Penguin takes on the guise of a certain presidential candidate with calls to “Make Gotham great again.” If you want some escapism from the whacky political theater, but not much, then pick this up. The artwork is top-notch, as well. -Max
[Editor’s Note: For Max’s full review, click here!!!]
Superman #10 – Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason
- Buy! This series continues to be my absolute favorite. The interactions between Jon/Damian and Batman/Superman are fantastic. The art is strong with whimsical moments and the dialogue is moving. There’s nothing more that I’d ask of Tomasi and Gleason. -Max
- I agree with Max, count me in. Super Sons was one of the titles I was most excited for and now we know Tomasi is writing it, makes me even more excited for this issue. This should be fun. -Lorna
- Buy! This was a ton of fun and this is going to be an excellent primer for SuperSons. There is enough different and similar in these two that will make this great to explore. Nathan
- Buy. I can’t say enough good things about this series. It’s easily become one of my favorites. I also love how they don’t need to overload you on Superman, even though it’s his book. Here he’s not the focus, and it still works so well. Love the book all around. – Deanna
Justice League #8 – Bryan Hitch and Neil Edwards
- Check it out. I thought about giving up on this one after I wasn’t impressed much by the first arc, but the second arc looks like it could be a bit more interesting. This issue focuses on a situation that Batman and Cyborg are confronted with and it’s safe to say it takes a turn for the worse, which grabbed my attention. If you gave up on this one, maybe give it another shot with this issue. – Deanna
Bitch Planet #9 – Kelly Sue DeConnick & Valentine De Landro
- I shouldn’t have to say anything other than you should already be reading this comic!! – Kelsey
- BUY!!–What Kelsey said! In this long-awaited issue (timed to the U.S. Elections, I’m sure!), we get to meet Eleanor Doane, the imprisoned President, and it was worth the wait! As usual, superb back-matter that perfectly compliments an important work by Ms. DeConnick and Mr. De Landro!–Bob
Mayday #1 – Alex De Campi & Blond
- When I read this solicitation I instantly thought of the tv show ‘The Americans’ and that alone was enough for me to check this out. I love a good spy tale, and a Russian Cold War spy tale well that’s worth checking out four issue mini series. – Lorna
Wicked + Divine #23 – Kieron Gillen & Kevin Wada
- Buy. If you’re a new reader this probably isn’t the most ideal jumping on point. With the format being so different and things have been so shaken up so much. However for the regular readers this is an excellent transition into the Imperial Phase. Through and through this book is phenomenal weather it be the writing or art. This twist on traditional comics storytelling is an unexpectedly and welcome change for the standard comic. It was able to convey a lot of information in a way that made it fun and interesting to read. This is promising start to what is bound to be a more than average adventure with the gods. – Matt
[Editor’s Note: For Matt’s full review, click here!!!]

Avengers #1 – Mark Waid & Mike Del Mundo
- Check it out. This is an interesting group of characters to have as a team and that is the main reason to follow along. What will the Avengers do with their new home base? Will we see appearances from former Avengers? There are a lot of possibilities with this fresh start. – Deanna
[Editor’s Note: For Deanna’s full review, click here!!!]
Foolkiller #1 – Max Bemis & Dalibor Talajic
- Buy. The issue is a fun book with the heart of something more personally engaging. It’s taking the superhero construct and telling a story which attempts to reach something which fits within the normal confines of being a participant in the human experience. It’s about giving back and combating the deep and dark dilemmas that keep a person from reaching their internal heights. Ultimately, the journey of reaching one’s potential can be crossed a multitude of times, but creates a couplet of bad approaches to progressing in the discipline of something positive and new. – Hernan
[Editor’s Note: For Hernan’s full review, click here!!!]
Occupy Avengers #1 – David Walker & Carlos Pacheco
- David Walker has been doing excellent work tackling important sociopolitical issues on other Marvel books (Nighthawk, Powerman & Iron Fist). I’m eager to see what he does with this book. – Vivek
Scarlet Witch #12– James Robinson & Annapaola Martello
> Throughout this run, James Robinson has restored the heroic Wanda Maximoff to the MU firmament as she acts on behalf of others, and over these last few issues, she’s begun a quest to uncover the mysteries of her own past, and it’s been glorious.–Bob
The Unworthy Thor #1 – Jason Aaron & Olivier Coipel
- Um, angsty Thor looking to reclaim his worthiness? Another Mjolnir up for grabs? Count me in! Really hope this doesn’t disappoint – I have been thoroughly (haha) enjoying Jane Foster’s take on the icon. High hopes! – Kelsey
- There’s Hope in Goat!!! Jason Aaron continues his career renaissance at Marvel with the next part of his Thor Epic. Coipel and him prove to be a match made in Asgard as they tell a tale of a once great man trying to remember how to be great. Combine that with the promises of finally revealing what Fury said to Odinson, a long and brutal journey to Mjolnir, and the return of a beloved character in the last few pages and you have a masterpiece of a #1. And Toothgnasher. I can’t wait for #2. Go buy! – Jay Barrett
[Editor’s Note: For Jay’s full review, click here!!!!]
Transfer #1 – LAB RAT COMICS – Matt Garvey & Eder Messiah
- Buy. This is a fun read with a concept that most people have probably daydreamed about in one way or another. If the story moving forward fulfills the promise of the first issue it could be a fun ride. Plus, it is a buck on Comixology. Can you really go wrong at that price? – Nathan
[Editor’s Note: For Nathan’s full review, click here!!!]
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!