Tag: salvador larroca

Star Wars Roundup: July 2015

Another month, another crop of wonderful Star Wars comics.  This month, we also had the addition of a BRAND NEW NOVEL, Dark Disciple by Christie Golden.  If you loved the Clone Wars television show, you need to check this one…

Star Wars Roundup: June 2015

It's that time again!  Time to review the Star Wars that came out during the month.  We have a lot to unpack this month with the ending of two Star Wars arcs and the penultimate issues of one series.  It's months…

Star Wars Roundup: May 2015

It's my favorite time of the month: the time when I get to wax poetic about how amazing Star Wars is and all the cool things the comics are doing nowadays.  Before that, I do want to point out something to you, dear…

Star Wars Roundup: April

I love Star Wars.  I love nearly everything tied to Star Wars. And I want to share that love with you in the form of obsessively going through the Star Wars comics each month.  I wrote one post that summarizes the events from…