Tag: reviews

Figment #1 Review

Figment #1 Written by Jim Zub Art by Filipe Andrade Colors by Jean-Francois Beaulieu Growing up I was always a huge fan of Figment and the Dreamfinder. Figment was my favorite Disney character despite only being…

Cyclops #2 Review

Cyclops #2 Written by Greg Rucka Art by Russell Dauterman Colors by Chris Sotomayor Last month I reviewed the first issue of Cyclops. I thought it was a good comic, but I wanted the adventure to step it up a notch.…

Original Sin #3 Review

Original Sin #3 Written by Jason Aaron Art by Mike Deadato Color Art by Frank Martin Letters by VC's Chris Eliopoulos Review by Mike Duke I don't know if I really know what to think about Original Sin. It might be…