ComicsPodcastTalking Comics

Issue #460: Dungeons, Dragons, and Dame Diana Rigg

Issue #460: Dungeons, Dragons, and Dame Diana Rigg

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In this week’s episode, Bob, Aaron, Sarah, and Steve witness the exciting end to an EMPYRE, go bird watching with Chris Cooper, delve into dungeons, and honor the memory of Dame Diana Rigg. 

Oh, and did I mention that both My Little Pony and Transformers are featured as a part of this week’s episode as well? There’s also plenty of gushing related to Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans’ Die, some more Marvel’s Avengers video game talk, and a heated discussion about the state of Wonder Woman.

Comics talked about this podcast:

Harrow County (series), Tales From Harrow County (miniseries), Mr. & Mrs. X #1-6, Deadpool #7, Black Widow #1, You Brought Me the Ocean OGN, My Little Pony / Transformers: Friendship in Disguise #1, Justice League Odyssey #24, Marauders #12, X-Factor #3, Represent #1: It’s a Bird, Empyre Fallout: Fantastic Four #1, Captain Marvel #21, Wonder Woman #762,  Fantastic Four #20-22, Die #1-13

Podcast Highlights:

00:04:07 – Lightning Rounds
01:58:30 – News: WW 1984 Delay
2:06:25 – Tribute to Dame Diana Rigg
2:21:12 – Comics We’re Looking Forward To
2:31:19 – Post-credits sequence

his Comic Book Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics ( The podcast is hosted by Steve Seigh ( assistant managing editor & news editor), Bob Reyer, Joey Braccino, Aaron Amos, Jessica, and Sarah Miles who weekly dissect everything comics-related, from breaking news to new releases. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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