ComicsFeaturedPodcastTalking Comics

Issue #446: Kristen Gudsnuk vs. the Cornflake Climax

Issue #446: Kristen Gudsnuk vs. the Cornflake Climax

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A wild Kristen Gudsnuk appears on the podcast this week for an epic 3-hour journey through comics, Corkflakes, and COVID-19 industry fallout. We also hold a round table interview with Kristen, as we delve into her latest graphic novel for Mojang Minecraft: Wither Without You. In addition to all that jazz, we also bring the thunder for some Lightning Rounds, field some of your Listener Questions, discuss DC parting ways with Diamond, and much more! It’s a weird and wild episode this week, folks. Hold onto you butts!

Books Talked About This Podcast: John Constantine: Hellblazer #4-6, Wonder WOman #755, November Vol. 2, Shaft, Honey West: The Girl For Hire, Sensible Footware by Kate Charlesworth, Artificial Flowers by Rachael Smith, Fruit of Knowledge by Liv Stromquist, Sabrina: Something Wicked #1, The Black Mage by Daniel Barnes and DJ Kirkland, This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews, Topside by JN Monk and Harry Bogosian, Julio’s Day by Gilbert Hernandez, and Mooncakes by Wendy Xu and Suzanne Walker

The Talking Comics Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics ( The podcast is hosted by Steve Seigh ( Asst. Managing Editor & news editor), Bob Reyer, Joey Braccino, Jessica Garris-Schaeffer, and Sarah Miles who weekly dissect everything comics-related, from breaking news to new releases. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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