ComicsDC ComicsDynamite

Batman/The Shadow #1 Review

Writers: Scott Snyder and Steve Orlando
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Colorist: Ivan Plascencia
Letterer: Clem Robins

Batman/The Shadow is a crossover from DC Comics and Dynamite. Not knowing anything at all about The Shadow, I picked this up largely because it’s a Batman title with Scott Snyder’s name attached to it. The run is limited to six issues and this first one acts as Batman’s first encounter with The Shadow. He also happens to fit right in with Gotham City.

Batman/The Shadow #1
Batman/The Shadow #1

This first issue is largely set up for the event. We get a little look at the background of The Shadow and his various identities over the years. However, it’s still a nice story that looks like it’s leading up to something good. The Shadow started as a pulp novel and the character was adapted into many different print forms over the years. He works well in the comics and Snyder and Orlando both are great writers.

Riley Rossmo recently contributed some art to the “Night of the Monster Men” crossover between the bat family titles. He does a good job on the art and his style really fits this story well. The way he draws The Shadow makes the character look even more mysterious. The colors added by Ivan Plascencia really emphasis the dark, mysterious feel, too.

The issue starts with Bruce making a visit to Henri Ducard, who he trained under when first undergoes his rigorous training. Ducard’s appearance is brief, but a welcome one. It’s also great seeing Bruce do his undercover detective work. This story should be a fun one to follow along, even if you aren’t familiar with The Shadow.

Verdict: Buy. Snyder makes a lot of titles an immediate buy for me. Even if you aren’t familiar with The Shadow, this crossover doesn’t require you to be. The first issue explains enough to get the gist. Give it a shot and you just might find a new character you’ll enjoy in The Shadow.

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