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Talking Movies episode 131: David Cronenberg’s eXistenZ

Let’s get weird! This week, the Talking Movies crew plugs in to the wild world of director David Cronenberg with a discussion of the 1999 sci-fi thriller/surrealist mind-#$@& known as eXistenZ. This one was Nick’s pick for a point of entry into the bizarre and often skin-crawlingly squicky Cronenberg universe. So, did his fond memories of seeing the film during its Matrix-adjacent home video run carry over into adulthood? And what did relative Cronenberg virgins Chris and Brian think of this film’s unique take on technology, philosophy, and, er, fleshy xBoxes?

Find out all that, plus… Chris sparks a chat on the genius of Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve (come for the film discussion, stay for the terrible pronunciations!). Brian auditions for a classic TV game show (“I’ll take Robocop 3 for $2000, Alex!”). And, Nick gushes over a new indie horror movie that does quite a bit of gushing itself. Stick your favorite listening device into your bio-port and enjoy!

Talking Movies 131: eXistenZ


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